Melissa Hope Ditmore

7 posts

Melissa Hope Ditmore, PhD, is a consultant specializing in issues of gender, development, health and human rights, particularly as they relate to marginalized populations such as sex workers, migrants and people who use drugs. She has… Read more…

Richa Kaul Padte

15 posts

Richa Kaul Padte is a writer, researcher and bass-music lover. She writes at and tweets @hirishitalkies

Ritu Srivastava

1 post

Ritu Srivastava, representing Jadeite Solutions, has over 14 years of experience in the development sector specifically focusing on the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) domain, using digital technology towards sustainable… Read more…

Minna Salami

1 post

Minna Salami is a Nigerian-Finnish writer and the founder of MsAfropolitan (, a multiple award-winning blog covering contemporary Africa and Diaspora society and culture from a feminist perspective. Minna… Read more…

Nidhi Goyal

1 post

Nidhi Goyal is a gender and disability rights advocate working for inclusion and equity, and the co-author of Sexuality and Disability. She has a master’s degree in Development Studies from London School of Economics and another in… Read more…

Soofia Mahmood

1 post

Pakistani TBTT campaigner, Soofia Mahmood, has written this piece (and created this image) in response to the ludicrous recommendations to legalize child marriage by the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII).

Naomi Kamau

1 post

Menaka Rao

4 posts

Menaka Rao is a former journalist turned freelance writer.

Nithila Kanagasabai

1 post

Beatriz Alarcón

2 posts

Analía Lavin

15 posts

Analia is a member of the APC's communications team.

Shehla Rashid

2 posts

Graciela Selaimen

59 posts

Francoise Mukuku

10 posts

The author works as the national coordinator of a young feminist group called Si Jeunesse Savait. Françoise is based in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and act as country partner of the APC's MDG3: Take Back the Tech! project.… Read more…

Natalia Gherardi

1 post

Abogada, directora ejecutiva de ELA – Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género, una asociación radicada en Buenos Aires (Argentina) dedicada la investigación e incidencia sobre temas de justicia e igualdad de género. Para mayor… Read more…

Margarita Salas

6 posts

Margarita is a feminist activist and researcher from Latin America. She is currently doing research consultancy of internet intermediaries corporate policies for APC's End Violence project.

Chat Garcia Ramilo

7 posts

Chat is the former APC's Women's Rights Programme manager.

Nighat Dad

7 posts

Nighat Dad is heavily engaged in public policy and research work related to ICTs in Pakistan. She is based in Lahore and is the Director of Digital Rights Foundation.