Magaly Pazello

7 posts

Associate researcher at EMERGE Communication & Emergence Research Center, Fluminense Federal University.

Marina Maria

10 posts

Marina Maria es integrante del equipo de investigación brasilero del proyecto EROTICS.

Lalaine P. Viado

2 posts

Lalaine P. Viado acts as researcher and advocate nationally, regionally and internationally. She currently works as the regional coordinator for the APC WNSP MDG3's Take Back The Tech Project in Asia-Pacific. Lalaine is based in… Read more…

1 post

Karen es directora de tecnologías estratégicas y fortalecimiento de la red de APC. En 1993, ella junto a otras mujeres colegas de APC formaron el Programa de Apoyo a las Redes de Mujeres de APC. Empezó como técnica: a principios de los… Read more…


1 post

Participant at the IGF 2010, and the member of the Lebanon EroTICs team.

Samantha Marx

3 posts

Web girl

Jessica Umanos Soto

3 posts

3 posts

Manjima Bhattacharjya

3 posts

Manjima Bhattacharjya is a sociologist based in Mumbai. Manjima together with Maya Ganesh are the Indian partners on APC's EroTICs project.

Gabriela De Cicco

3 posts

Fatma Mint Elkory Oumrane

3 posts

Cecilia Gordano

9 posts

Emily Nyarko

2 posts

Jorge Bossio

5 posts

Mario Osava

2 posts

Reba Shahid

3 posts

Cris Ojeda

2 posts

Sally Burch

6 posts