In depth
Feminism online in West and Central Africa: Identities and digital colonisation
This article examines the challenges that women's rights and sexual rights activists face in online feminist organising and participation in internet governance decision-making processes in West and Central Africa. It focuses particularly on linguistic barriers, and the expression of sexual or gender non-conforming identities in a context of digital colonisation in the sub-region.
Feminist talk
Claiming governance spaces: from Gender and Internet Governance Exchange to Africa Internet Governance Forum
The Association for Progressive Communications' Caroline Tagny interviewed Chenai Chair, a participant of the Africa Gender and Internet Governance Exchange, on her experience.
Feminist talk
Internet rights are human rights: Reflections from workshops in the DRC and Kenya on violence against women
I've had the privilege, this past year, to travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Kenya to facilitate workshops based on our Internet Rights are Human Rights: Violence Against Women (VAW) online curriculum.
Feminist talk
Gender and Internet Governance eXchange in Asia
To start off our series of gigX, APC in collaboration with the Foundation for Media Alternatives, held a 2-day event on the 29 and 30 June 2015 where advocates from the region came together to exchange knowledge on the intersections of women’s rights and internet governance.
DJS choice
Mobile apps, games and the White web
DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…
Feminist talk
(Re)govern and (Re)imagine a feminist internet: Sex, rights and internet governance at the IGF 2014
This year has seen major debates and developments in the internet sphere. The Snowden revelations have brought to the attention of the public problematic issues regarding surveillance and privacy online. In addition, the presence of the IGF this year in Turkey also directed the attention of internet stakeholders to the internet censorship practice in this country and in other nations.
In depth
EROTICS, activism and feminist porn
Caroline Tagny interviewed Rohini Lakshané, who used to work with EROTICS India, and Sheena Magenya, from the Coalition of African Lesbians during the Global meeting on gender, sexuality and the internet in April 2014 to ask them how they understand pornography from their respective contexts, and how do they engage their activism with the intersection between sexual rights and internet rights.