Feminist talk

Peeping Tom Porn and Privacy

Posted Tue 8 Apr 2014 - 07:50 | 11,962 views
A couple makes out inside a cyber cafe cubicle in a city crunched for space and privacy. A woman bathes and changes clothes inside her hotel room. A honeymooning couple films its first time together, possibly to preserve the memories for a lifetime. All of them are oblivious to either being captured by hidden cameras or the possibility of their footage being leaked online. Voyeuristic websites…


Two weeks to push for greater recognition of our rights

Posted Mon 7 Apr 2014 - 10:10 | 14,075 views
What did we do for two weeks in New York? We participated in one of the most interesting and combative meetings for the advancement of women's rights worldwide. The annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a major event on the calendar of governments and women's organisations because it is where discussions take place on advances and unmet goals under the Beijing Platform…

Back and forth in the advancement of women's rights at CSW58

Posted Mon 7 Apr 2014 - 07:45 | 13,448 views
The theme of the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58), which took place in New York on 10-21 March 2014, was “Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls”. Also on the meeting agenda was Women’s and girls’ access to technology. This GenderIT.org edition addresses the negotiations and barganing in agreements…

Feminist talk

Namita Aavriti: Through a freedom of speech and privacy laws lens

Posted Sun 6 Apr 2014 - 10:56 | 3,724 views
Namita Aavriti of the Alternative Law Forum speaking on the petition filed in the Supreme Court seeking a ban on online pornography from the prism of freedom of speech and privacy laws. She was speaking at the "Tangled, Like Wool" meeting held in New Delhi on January 28, 2014 as a part of the EROTICS India project.

In depth

Fighting the backlash: Moving the agenda forward at the CSW

Posted Sat 5 Apr 2014 - 18:18 | 14,518 views
The 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women was held in New York from 10 to 21 March 2014. While there were strategic moves forward in relation to ICTs and tech-related violence against women, the APC Women's Rights Programme discuss both the highlights and the frustrations the women's movement faces in pushing the women's rights agenda forward.

Feminist talk

Join us in a global conversation for a feminist internet #imagineafeministinternet

Posted Sat 5 Apr 2014 - 10:52 | 4,980 views
Take part in the debate. Define and question what it takes to create a feminist internet. Fifty people from all over the world are meeting about this issue next week and will incorporate your ideas into an evolving framework.

Feminist talk

New Media and Girls’ Rights: Tying-in Technology and Empowerment

Posted Fri 4 Apr 2014 - 07:05 | 2,671 views
Does new media bring real change? Or it is that we are only enticed by its novelty factor? Does simply putting a technological tool in a woman’s hand lead to empowerment?

Feminist talk

Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet

Posted Thu 3 Apr 2014 - 15:06 | 6,612 views
We invite you to join our Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality, & the Internet to explore and develop our collective understanding of what a feminist internet looks like. The meeting will be held in Malaysia between April 12 and 17 and brings together scholars, activists, and policy specialists from local, regional, and international organizations and networks.

Feminist talk

APC launches collaborative initiative to protect, promote and defend sexual rights online

Posted Thu 3 Apr 2014 - 14:55 | 6,709 views
From April 12th - 17th, APC's Women's Rights and Communications Information Policy programmes will bring together activists working in the sexual rights movement and internet rights movement to a global dialogue on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet in Port Dickson, Malaysia.

Feminist talk

Hooked on: Sex work and mobile phones

Posted Thu 3 Apr 2014 - 06:19 | 50,386 views
Street-based sex workers manage all business over the phone. Clients arrange their visits after confirming the sex workers’ availability via mobile phones. Sex workers communicate easily with outstation clients and their maalaks (literally meaning “masters”, often regular customers who have graduated into lovers), without the fear of prying eyes. Being constantly connected also helps build client…