Feminist talk

Stories that need to be heard

Posted Fri 7 Dec 2012 - 12:01 | 6,910 views
Tonight, as I was thinking through this blog, my three-year-old offered to help. “It's not easy,” I warned her. “You see, there was a man who hurt a woman. He hurt her lots, and told her that if she didn't keep quiet, that he'd hurt her again. But she didn't keep quiet, and she told people her story.”

Feminist talk

Facebook support sucks

Posted Mon 3 Dec 2012 - 06:40 | 5,657 views
Since November 22, when I made a password error, Facebook has restricted me from certain features for 30 days. Highly inconvenient because I am admin of several groups and pages (mostly related to peace and human rights). Each I try to take any of the above actions, I get a note saying I have been blocked from certain features because I may have violated community standards. Like which ones?

Feminist talk

IGF 2012: Day two in room four

Posted Fri 23 Nov 2012 - 05:41 | 8,392 views
What I most value about the IGF is that thanks to its multi-stakeholder principle, it widens my perspective on pressing internet governance issues. However, all three sessions I attended on day two in room number four, while talking about human rights, failed to include women's right perspective. Women internet users are important stakeholder and it is evident that even after six years of…

Feminist talk

Women's take on internet governance: A selection of tweets from IGF 2012

Posted Tue 20 Nov 2012 - 09:12 | 7,854 views
This is a selection of the tweets circulated during the Internet Governance Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 6-9 2012. They were selected following the criteria of its relevance in reflecting the discussions around women’s role in internet governance processes, as well as women’s and internet rights during the IGF.

Feminist talk

The Uprising of Women in the Arab World censored by Facebook

Posted Tue 13 Nov 2012 - 10:57 | 7,688 views
On 10 November, the page of The Uprising of Women in the Arab World posted that Dana, the Syrian woman whose photo was censored by Facebook, was restored after a call for support against Facebook censorship of her photo.

Feminist talk

IGF 2012 - Access and Diversity Main Session

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 06:41 | 13,559 views
This is the transcript of the Access and Diversity Main Session that took place on November 8 2012 at the Internet Governance Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was the first time in the entire history of the IGF that women and gender issues were addressed in a main session, with the presence of Jac sm Kee from APC Women´s Rights Programme.

Feminist talk

Interview with Arzu Geybullayeva on the internet rights of women in Azerbaijan

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2012 - 02:23 | 8,996 views

Nighat Dad from "Digital Rights Foundation, Pakistan":http://www.digitalrightsfoundation.pk speaks to Arzu Geybullayeva, a regional analyst and a blogger from Azerbaijan. Arzu's areas of interest are regional politics, conflict resolution, and new social media. In their "feminist talk” Nighat asks Arzu about her impressions of the 7th…

Feminist talk

Multistakeholderism and Enhanced Cooperation: What's it all about?

Posted Wed 7 Nov 2012 - 09:29 | 8,124 views
Multistakeholder participation and enhanced cooperation seems to be one of the major issue in this year's Internet Governance Forum (IGF). With World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) around the corner and the anxious buzz of whether this is a bid by governments to have more control…

Feminist talk

New mobile app for sexuality research pulled back over privacy concerns

Posted Tue 23 Oct 2012 - 04:28 | 6,254 views
Melissa Ditmore reflects on release and subsequent pulling back of new application designed to collect data on sexual activity by Kinsey Institute in the USA. She outlines privacy concerns raised and how these holes can jeopardize users data. She also makes a make a case how this app once privacy gaps are fixed can assist to document unwanted and often under-reported sexual experiences, such as…

Feminist talk

DELETE, UNDO, RETRIEVE: Statement on the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

Posted Wed 10 Oct 2012 - 08:57 | 8,280 views
The statement developed by the Women's Legal Bureau (WLB) in response to the Cybercrime Bill. WLB highlights the specific women's rights concerns in relation to the bill, in particular warn that the law can be used to further perpetuate violence against women. They are still in the process of gathering support and you are invited to sign on to show your support to the cause.