
Pakistan country report: Technology driven violence against women

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 20:41 | 14,626 views

Technology based violence is exposing women to the entire spectrum of conceivable harms in Pakistan. Victims of technology based violence have suffered physical violence ranging from rape to attempted assassination, psycho-social harms and loss of development opportunities. This was revealed in a research report launched by Bytes for All, Pakistan in Islamabad.


End violence: Case studies from Mexico

Posted Thu 12 Feb 2015 - 06:23 | 8,643 views
These case summaries are based on in-depth case studies mapping women’s experiences of technology-related VAW and their attempts to access justice either through domestic legal remedy or corporate grievance mechanisms. The original case studies from Mexico were documented by the APC project associate in Mexico between November 2013 and April 2014 and the summaries were prepared by Richa Kaul…

DJS choice

Selfies, banned photos and LGBT bullying gets better

Posted Fri 30 Jan 2015 - 01:36 | 5,328 views
DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…

Exploring remedies for technology-based violence against women

Posted Fri 16 Jan 2015 - 17:25 | 10,139 views
In this edition, our collaborators take a moment to reflect and celebrate. They celebrate the great Take Back the Tech! campaign developed in late 2014 that for 16 days brought together women from around the world to reclaim their right to expression online. They also reflect on the first load of findings from the “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project research…


How doing the research became a game-changer for me

Posted Sun 11 Jan 2015 - 21:30 | 13,149 views
It is an honour for me to introduce this edition of This particular issue brings together articles on some of the most important aspects of technology-driven violence against women, hitherto not well understood by the general public, governments or institutions. Much of the material in this issue draws on extensive research conducted by the Association for Progressive Communications…

Feminist talk

Building women’s access to justice: Technology-related VAW in law and corporate policy

Posted Sat 10 Jan 2015 - 10:25 | 8,725 views
This article is based on the issue paper written by Namita Maholtra as part of the APC "End violence: Women´s rights and safety online” project entitled "Good questions on technology-related violence", and on a strong alliance with partners in seven countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Mexico, Pakistan and the Philippines. Looking at tech-related…


Good questions on technology-related violence

Posted Thu 8 Jan 2015 - 17:30 | 20,489 views
Between April 2013 and June 2014, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) carried out its multi-country research exploring the adequacy and effectiveness of domestic legal remedies and corporate policies/redress mechanisms to address the issue of technology-related violence against women (VAW). This paper written by Namita Malhotra draws heavily on the final research reports from…


Cases on women’s experiences of technology-related VAW and their access to justice

Posted Thu 8 Jan 2015 - 17:28 | 14,538 views
The case summaries are based on in-depth case studies mapping women’s experiences of technology-related VAW and their attempts to access justice either through domestic legal remedy or corporate grievance mechanisms. The original case studies were documented as part of the Association for Progressive Communication’s (APC) seven-country research initiative, “From impunity to justice: Exploring…

In depth

Violence against women online: What next steps intermediaries should take

Posted Thu 8 Jan 2015 - 14:59 | 22,200 views
In the response to abuse and threats that women face, are the technology big names like Facebook, Twitter and others taking tangible steps? In this article, collaborator Rafia Shaikh explores the most outstanding points from a new research report developed by Rima Athar for the APC’s “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project on Improving Corporate Policies, which talks…


End violence: Case studies from the Philippines

Posted Mon 22 Dec 2014 - 03:44 | 10,521 views
These case summaries are based on in-depth case studies mapping women’s experiences of technology-related VAW and their attempts to access justice either through domestic legal remedy or corporate grievance mechanisms. The original case studies from the Philippines were documented by country researchers from the project partner Foundation for Media Alternatives between November 2013 and April…