

A is for Agency

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2013 - 11:12 | 27,790 views
It’s been a great month for cyber-feminism. The #FBrape campaign succeeded in changing the social network giant’s policies on violence against women in record time. The global alarm over the NSA surveillance scandal created mass awareness over privacy and access to personal data. And Instagram launched hipster filters for videos. Perhaps not as breakthrough, but definitely encouraging of more…

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Survey on sexual activism, morality, and the internet

Posted Mon 15 Jul 2013 - 12:29 | 52,797 views
Has the internet become an indispensable tool for feminist and LGBTQI advocacy? How savvy are sexual rights activists in handling the legal and technical issues that come along when they use the internet? How do they negotiate online threats and restrictions? Activists from around the world addressed these and other questions through a global online survey on sexual rights work and the internet.

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Tangled, like wool - Sex, sexuality and the internet in India

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2013 - 09:19 | 23,735 views
A recent survey of sexual rights activists in India shows that most consider the internet an integral part of their activism. Tangled, Like Wool explores several intertwined questions arising from this: What does the internet bring to sexual rights activism? Do the online and the offline complement each other in this kind of activism? How does keeping the internet free and open strengthen…

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Indonesia: Put sex on the internet!

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2013 - 08:57 | 23,535 views
This article by Kamilia Manaf and Ni Loh Gusti Madewanti describes how the discourse on sexuality in Indonesia is becoming more political and part of the public sphere due to the impact of the reformations begun in 1998. However, while the internet has provided a space for the advancement of sexual rights in Indonesia, discrimination and violence against LGBT groups and women in Indonesia that…

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How activism shapes your experience of being a citizen on the internet

Posted Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 08:34 | 24,029 views
What does it mean to use the internet freely and fully? What freedom do you have to express who you are, how you live your life, what you desire, dream and believe in on the internet? And how safely can you communicate, contribute, exist, navigate and be in the spaces online that can so powerfully connect you to communities and knowledges that build our sense of self? This article written by…

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Reflecting on tech-mediated violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Posted Thu 11 Apr 2013 - 09:01 | 19,404 views
This interview conducted by Selina Mudavanhu from the African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town (South Africa) with Leila Seper, member of OneWorldsee in Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) and responsible for the ‘Take Back the Tech!’ campaign and networking, reflects on the work developed by OneWorldsee, a civil society organization that works on online spaces and is one of the partners of the…

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Technology and violence against women @ CSW57th: "Both NGOs and states raised this as an issue of concern"

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 14:23 | 17,314 views
The 57th meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women met in New York from 4th to 15th March. This year the major theme was the 'Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women'. Chat Garcia Ramilo and Jan Moolman from the Association for Progressive Communications' Women's Rights Programme were there, and spoke to Sonia Randhawa about what the CSW is, why it is important…

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Philippines: “If no justice is given to the survivors/victims then the laws become useless”

Posted Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 07:36 | 16,590 views
Violence against women in the Philippines is considered a public crime. According to the Philippines National Demographic and Health Survey, one in five women aged 15-49 has experienced physical violence since age 15. The advent of computers and internet exposes women to another dimension of violence. writer, Esther Nasikye, talked to Foundation for Media Alternatives about the forms…


Baseline study: Legal and regulatory framework in Colombia on VAW and ICT - Executive summary

Posted Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 13:53 | 15,455 views
This executive summary outlines the baseline for the present legal and regulatory framework in Colombia on violence against women (VAW) and information and communication technologies (ICT). The data was gathered by collecting information on the legal and regulatory framework. Three main aspects were identified: 1. The criminal offenses defined in the Criminal Code and related to a greater or…

End violence against women: language and action @ CSW57th

Posted Fri 5 Apr 2013 - 11:34 | 9,504 views
This edition offers reflections on language and actions surrounding issues of technology-related forms of violence against women (VAW). We're looking at these in the perspective/context of the APC project "End violence: Women’s rights and safety online" and the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which took place between 4-15 March in New York.