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Interview with Nana Darkoa: Adventures from the bedroom of an African woman

Posted Wed 7 May 2014 - 19:10 | 13,079 views
Three (and many more) online is not a crowd – neither online nor offline. That is what the multi-award-winning blog "Adventures from the bedrooms of African women" posits. In this interview, one of the blog's founders and writers, Nana Darkoa from Ghana, talks about how this space started, what the boundaries are, and what it takes to build a safe and free space where African women can openly…

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Erika Smith: "It’s society’s responsibility, the companies’, and our countries’ to keep us safe"

Posted Wed 7 May 2014 - 08:54 | 8,194 views
People Links is a monthly online gathering hosted by May First/People Link members, for members and open to the public. On 27 March they hosted a discussion on technology-related violence against women and the tensions that exist between combating hate speech and the right to freedom of expression. The discussion featured Erika Smith from the APC Women's Rights Programme (WRP).

Feminist talk

Turn an idea into action: Clap to Take Back the Tech!

Posted Tue 6 May 2014 - 14:01 | 2,940 views
City-level Take Back the Tech! exchanges on strategic, creative use of tech for community-based solutions will bring together unusual suspects to share experiences and expertise in order to develop creative tech solutions to complicated issues of safety, spaces and gender. Support us by applauding this idea and help it make it to the challenge shortlist!

Feminist talk

Join us in a global conversation for a feminist internet #imagineafeministinternet

Posted Sat 5 Apr 2014 - 10:52 | 4,980 views
Take part in the debate. Define and question what it takes to create a feminist internet. Fifty people from all over the world are meeting about this issue next week and will incorporate your ideas into an evolving framework.

Feminist talk

Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet

Posted Thu 3 Apr 2014 - 15:06 | 6,612 views
We invite you to join our Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality, & the Internet to explore and develop our collective understanding of what a feminist internet looks like. The meeting will be held in Malaysia between April 12 and 17 and brings together scholars, activists, and policy specialists from local, regional, and international organizations and networks.

Feminist talk

APC launches collaborative initiative to protect, promote and defend sexual rights online

Posted Thu 3 Apr 2014 - 14:55 | 6,709 views
From April 12th - 17th, APC's Women's Rights and Communications Information Policy programmes will bring together activists working in the sexual rights movement and internet rights movement to a global dialogue on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet in Port Dickson, Malaysia.

Feminist talk

Join People Links Digital Gatherings to discuss technology related violence against women

Posted Fri 14 Mar 2014 - 08:52 | 4,317 views
Join us on Thursday, March 27th from 6-7pm EST and 4-5 CT-MexDF to discuss technology related violence against women and the tensions that exist between combating hate speech versus the right to freedom of expression with Erika Smith from the APC's Women´s Rights Programme.

Feminist talk

I pronounce you not a child

Posted Fri 14 Mar 2014 - 05:25 | 4,408 views
My daughter is 8 years old. She likes to make pretend fairy houses with tiny little signs that have small fairy tales written on them. Every other week her dream to be ‘someone’ changes – sometimes she wants to be a chef, other times a paleontologist when she grows up. ‘When she grows up’ is a phrase that holds the promise of tomorrow for her.


Our right to safety: Publication addresses women human rights defenders’ approach to protection

Posted Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 11:05 | 5,870 views
AWID, in collaboration with members of the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition, has developed this publication in an effort to assess the various mechanisms developed to provide protection to WHRDs at risk, including initiatives developed by national governments, and regional and international human rights bodies. The publication counts with a specific section addressing digital …

Feminist talk

APC launches website on sex, rights and the internet

Posted Mon 10 Mar 2014 - 06:59 | 5,550 views
In the second phase of the groundbreaking EROTICS project, an exploratory research project into sexuality and the internet, the Association for Progressive Communications has launched a new website ( to reflect the project's background, share knowledge and feature updates on the initiative.