9th IGF: Feminist talks scale over the walls of internet governance

Posted Fri 12 Sep 2014 - 11:34 | 7,198 views
On 2-5 September 2014, over 2,400 activists, academics, businesspeople and government representatives from 144 countries actively participated in policy dialogue on issues of internet governance at the ninth annual Internet Governance Forum, held in Istanbul, Turkey. This edition of our newsletter offers snapshots of these debates and features observations and reflections from feminist and queer…

Feminist talk

9th Internet Governance Forum: Gender and sexuality online

Posted Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 08:49 | 8,719 views
There were several sessions and side meetings at the 9th Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Out of those, there were only a few on gender and sexuality, and this post is about the ones I had the privilege to attend. On September 1st, before the IGF officially started, the Association For Progresssive Communications (APC), organized a day-long pre-event meeting on Sex, Rights, and Internet…

Feminist talk

Why internet rights matter for Africa(ns)

Posted Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 11:47 | 8,025 views

When I found myself suddenly having to care for and look after my new born child alone, I panicked. I panicked because I had never done this before and the ten minute tutorial on washing and feeding my infant that the nurse gave me at the hospital was lacking in many ways. I had questions, so many questions-but she didn’t have time. I was a woman, as far as she was concerned and therefore I…

Feminist talk

Moderate progress in gender parity and inclusion at the IGF between 2012-2013

Posted Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 13:18 | 5,931 views
APC summarised the contents of the Gender Report Card sections of the workshop reports from the Internet Governance Forum of 2012 in Azerbaijan, and the 2013 IGF in Indonesia.


Tools and Tactics for the LGBTI community in sub-Saharan Africa

Posted Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 09:05 | 7,702 views
Tactical Tech is delighted to announce the launch of a new guide: Tools and Tactics for the LGBTI community in sub-Saharan Africa. This is the second in our series of Security in-a-box Community Focus guides, which aim to further integrate digital security into the context of particular communities and human rights defenders.

Feminist talk

Digital Security – from silencing to claiming safe spaces

Posted Tue 13 May 2014 - 09:27 | 9,570 views
Discourses on issues of safety are not new to feminists. Strategies to resist sexual harassment in the office, verbal abuse on the streets, physical violence in the home, shaming in social spaces and sexualised threats to women human rights defenders are continually being revisited and reworked. Often this abuse is about the silencing of women's voices and the marginalisation in social and…

Feminist talk

Imagining a digitally secure, feminist internet

Posted Fri 9 May 2014 - 09:55 | 6,824 views
This is the second in a series of posts reporting on the Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet held in Port Dickson, Malaysia from April 13 to 17, 2014, to envision a feminist internet and to evolve a framework for it. Around 50 activists working on gender rights, sexual rights and Internet rights in different parts of the world had come together for the meeting.

Feminist talk

Sexual rights, internet rights, and feminism!

Posted Thu 8 May 2014 - 13:44 | 6,090 views
Sexual rights! What are you talking about? Does this kind of right exist in India? I never thought about it before I attended Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and Technology.

In depth

Alberto Cerda: "There are many more international agreements to protect intellectual property than to protect people's privacy"

Posted Wed 2 Apr 2014 - 13:27 | 13,039 views
Alberto Cerda is the international affairs director at Derechos Digitales, a Chilean NGO, and a specialist in intellectual property and privacy issues. In this interview, he analyses the legislation and policies being adopted in Latin America to deal with online violence against women involving the invasion of privacy, and the responsibility assigned to internet intermediaries and individuals.

EROTICS all over: Constellations of debates on sexual rights, privacy and technology

Posted Wed 20 Nov 2013 - 09:02 | 7,048 views
"EROTICS project":http://www.apc.org/en/projects/erotics-exploratory-research-project-sex… is moving forward and discussions on sexual rights, violence against women, censorship. privacy, pornography, freedoms and risks in the online world. are flowing all around. Two meetings took place lately, one…