Image description: Tablet lying on bed, image of woman on the screen

In depth

"Revenge Porn": 5 important reasons why we should not call it by that name

Posted Wed 16 Jan 2019 - 05:54 | 28,116 views

This article sums up the different and important reasons why we should stop using the term "revenge porn" when describing certain kinds of violations online that entail the non-consensual taking and circulation of intimate images. Why does language matter and how does it shape our perceptions and responses? Sophie Maddocks tells us more, based on her extensive research and interviews with…

Woman holding phone. Banner reads - Hey, is your friend being attacked online?

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More than words. Investigating online discourse as a space of Gender-Based Violence

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 - 02:47 | 6,561 views

Here are insights into research on online gender-based violence against women and other minorities - especially around sexual objectification, delegitimisation of public personas, non-conformity to gender stereotypes and idealised notions of womanhood. Elena Pavan shares also about doing research using data scraped from online public discourses and the key questions going forward.

Image description: Comic of woman covering her eyes in front of computer

Feminist talk

More To Do: Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence in the Philippines

Posted Tue 20 Nov 2018 - 07:27 | 8,189 views

This article maps the legal mechanisms to deal with online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence in the Philippines. While a number of laws have evolved to deal with forms of online abuse and violence, such as cyberbullying of students, there are still gaps in relation to what women are facing online. 

Woman looking at phone: photograph

Feminist talk

Online Abuse: A Monster that Silences and Curtails Women's Rights Online

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 04:06 | 33,326 views

Online abuse and harassment prevents women from realising their full rights online. In this article we look at specific instances of harassment of women online in Ghana, and what needs to be done to ensure full and meaningful internet access for women.


13 manifestations of gender-based violence using technology

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 - 10:30 | 10,537 views

This list of manifestations of online gender-based violence is based on case documentation carried out by Take back the Tech! global campaign, Luchadoras and Socialtic

Still from video created by Digital Sister

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Does urban youth know what to do about cyber harassment? : Research in Bangladesh

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2018 - 05:54 | 36,199 views

This indepth article shares reflections on research with urban youth in Bangladesh on how they deal with cyber harassment and cyber bullying, particularly the experience of young women. The research led to the creation of a short informative animation aimed at youth that might feel helpless and alone when facing harassment online.


Mapping Digital Landscapes of Trans Activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

Posted Thu 8 Nov 2018 - 03:30 | 4,857 views

This report on Mapping Digital Landscapes of Trans Activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe provides a regional overview of digital organizing by trans activists in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, emphasizing shared patterns of digital usage, barriers to free and safe use of the internet, and resistance strategies to homo/transphobic-motivated censorship, surveillance, and online attacks…

Re-write your narratives

Feminist talk

What can Ghana do about the harassment faced by women online

Posted Tue 6 Nov 2018 - 09:53 | 10,842 views

Women in Ghana, ordinary women and celebrities, have dealt with harassment and violence online, but there is minimal effort by the government currently to effectively address this problem. The suggestion seems to be that self-censorship should solve such problems faced by women.

FIF Africa 2018 Poster

Feminist talk

Shaping the internet we want: Gender perspectives on FIFAfrica 2018

Posted Wed 24 Oct 2018 - 06:21 | 4,139 views

The annual Forum on Internet Freedom, Africa brings together people from across the African continent to to deliberate on gaps, concerns and opportunities for advancing privacy, access to information, free expression, non-discrimination and the free flow of information online on the continent. But what about gender perspectives? 

ARSUKEIL, a non-binary character

Feminist talk

Make your own hero [VIDEO]

Posted Tue 23 Oct 2018 - 11:55 | 8,251 views

At the camp of Take back the tech! campaigners a group of intrepid people came together to create a fantastical super person - a non binary character who is a feminist and has powers to analyse, slay and decrypt the digital world.