Feminist talk

Join the 'Take Back the Tech!: Reclaiming Technology for Women's Rights' panel debate @ CSW 2011

Posted Wed 23 Feb 2011 - 08:00 | 4,671 views
On Friday 25 February, join the Association for Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme in a panel discussion - 'Take Back the Tech!: Reclaiming Technology for Women's Rights'. The APC WNSP will also be launching “I Don't Forward Violence” - a new action under the Take Back the Tech! campaign. “I Don't Forward Violence” calls on internet and mobile phone users to take…

Feminist talk

Editor picks from conversations on women & technology @ #CSW 55, Day 1 - Feb 22

Posted Wed 23 Feb 2011 - 04:52 | 6,695 views
Katerina F. picks from the most interesting conversations on Twitter concerning women & rights & technology during the first day of the 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), taking place in New York. You can follow our tweets on section J of the Beijing Platform for Action and women's communication rights under the hashtags: #csw #genderit (or #genderitES for Spanish).

Feminist talk

What happened to Section J?

Posted Wed 17 Mar 2010 - 16:11 | 5,691 views
Sarah Macharia from the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) summaries the outcomes of the panel discussion on the Fourth Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP), which took place on March 2 in New York on the occasion of the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW): “You may be aware the GMMP is a longitudinal study running since 1995 on gender in the world…

Feminist talk

Video: Talking about section J - Games for social change

Posted Mon 15 Mar 2010 - 12:21 | 5,579 views
Heidi Boisvert, from Breakthrough, talks about their experience with videogames and how she thinks the feminist movement can be involved.

Feminist talk

Covering Beijing+15 from the sidelines

Posted Mon 15 Mar 2010 - 09:48 | 5,752 views
Olivia H. Tripon, the Philippine Bureau Chief and Country Consultant for Women’s Feature Service, is writing about her experience from the UN Media Accreditation process: "...When it comes to covering this all important review which comes every five years, one would think that media organizations like the Women’s Feature Service (WFS) which had actively covered most of the 12 areas of concern of…

Feminist talk

Beyond tools: Internet as a critical policy issue for the advancement of women's rights

Posted Mon 15 Mar 2010 - 08:05 | 5,803 views
Jac sm Kee, the Women's Rights and ICT Policy coordinator for APC WNSP, reviews the UN Secretary-General's report on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (E/CN.6/2010/2) and assess how close we are to realize women's right to communicate: “I wasn't present at the Beijing Conference in 1995, and having missed it, I feel like I have missed out on one of the most important moments…

Feminist talk

The “J Spot” at the 54th CSW: Celebrating women's social networking is not enough

Posted Fri 12 Mar 2010 - 17:12 | 7,343 views
Heike Jensen, researcher and lecturer at the Department of Gender Studies of Humboldt University in Berlin, (Germany), is locating the section J at the 54th Commission on the Status of Women:"[The J Spot] seems to prove almost as elusive as locating its embodied cousin has turned out to be. First of all, you will not find the J Spot in this year's intergovernmental and other official debates or…

Feminist talk

Video: Talking about section J - Access to Internet in Lebanon

Posted Sat 6 Mar 2010 - 08:28 | 5,851 views
Nadine Moawad talks about what's going on the internet in Lebanon from a gender perspective.

Feminist talk

Women in and out of media

Posted Fri 5 Mar 2010 - 04:27 | 5,604 views
Paraphrasing Virginia Woolf's essay A room of one's own, Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls, said: “There is a need to ensure that the necessary resources are mobilised so that women have the opportunity to write their stories, have their voices heard and their identities represented, particularly when it comes to the peace and security sector. Media content must continue to reach women in their communities,…

Feminist talk

Video: Talking about Section J - Re-defining Media

Posted Fri 5 Mar 2010 - 04:00 | 5,175 views
Cai Yiping, executive director of ISIS International, shares the need to take Section J forward with the recognition of the increasing role of ICTs that re-defined the media contained in Section J of the Beijing Platform for Action.