Feminist talk

Video: Talking about Section J - Access to Media

Posted Fri 5 Mar 2010 - 03:56 | 5,055 views
Chandrika Sepali Kottegoda, co-director of the Women and Media Collective based in Colombo, Srilanka, talks about the lack of access by NGOs that makes it difficult to see the J spot in the actual government review at the CSW.

Feminist talk

Video: Talking about Section J - Women Producing Media

Posted Fri 5 Mar 2010 - 03:48 | 5,400 views
Sharon Bhagwan Rolls from FemLink Pacific: Media Initiatives for Women in Fiji talks to Jan Moolman.

Feminist talk

Linking local women to the global agenda

Posted Thu 4 Mar 2010 - 17:04 | 4,963 views
Esther Nasikye, a Communication and Advocacy Officer at Icon Women…

Feminist talk

Video: Talking about Section J - Girls and Social Media

Posted Thu 4 Mar 2010 - 15:50 | 6,208 views
Rosemary Okello from the African Woman and Child Feature Service talks go Jan Moolman about how social media is changing the way girls and young women see and use media in Africa

Feminist talk

Witnessing J-spot

Posted Thu 4 Mar 2010 - 05:22 | 5,873 views
I'm at the UN building in New York attending the 54th CSW and have just uploaded two videos to my online account. It took 3 minutes to upload. The videos share the impressions of two women's rights activists working in and with media about what is happening with Section J at the CSW. They took four minutes to record. So, in seven minutes I was able to get quotes from women who spoke with…

Feminist talk

Video: Talking about section J - Opening Panel

Posted Wed 3 Mar 2010 - 15:09 | 4,585 views
Video interview: There were five speakers in the opening panel and only one of them were women. There was almost no mention to ICTs. Lalaine Viado, part of the APC team in New York, summarises main issues of the conference's opening panel.

Feminist talk

Line stories: experiencing UN bureaucracy in real time

Posted Tue 2 Mar 2010 - 10:34 | 6,793 views
Monday, day 1, was day one of the Commission of the Status of Women meeting that is taking place in New York. I remember reading a blog post from my colleague Katerina Fialova, written a couple of years ago, talking about women from all over the world queuing in the UN headquarters building, and how it would be interesting to do a gender analysis of the line. I didn't imagine that I would have…

Feminist talk

BPA is a teen-er

Posted Mon 1 Mar 2010 - 08:58 | 5,228 views
The Beijing Platform for Action (BPA) is 15 years old and a global review of the progress of its implementation will be held at the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) on 1-12 March 2010 at the UN Headquarters in New York City. The global review will focus on the link between the BPA implementation and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the outcome…

Feminist talk

GenderIT.org CSW2010 Team

Posted Sun 28 Feb 2010 - 08:12 | 4,153 views
The GenderIT Feminist Talk contributors and tweeters at the 54th session on the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) for the 15-year review of the Beijing Platform for Action (Beijing +15), 1 - 6 March 2010, New York, are Analia Lavin, Jan Moolman, and Lalaine P. Viado.