
Infographic - Sexual rights activism & the internet

Posted Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 10:48 | 21,359 views
An infographic highlights the preliminary results from APC’s global survey on usage, risks, and navigation of internet regulation by sexual rights activists.

Networking, safety and sexual agency

Posted Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 08:20 | 8,064 views
98% of activists see the internet as an "important public sphere for advancing sexual rights": However 51% of them have suffered online hate speech, censorship or privacy violations. Sexual rights activists from Africa and the Middle East face double risk compared to colleagues from elsewhere of being attacked by…

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Survey on sexual activism, morality, and the internet

Posted Mon 15 Jul 2013 - 12:29 | 52,797 views
Has the internet become an indispensable tool for feminist and LGBTQI advocacy? How savvy are sexual rights activists in handling the legal and technical issues that come along when they use the internet? How do they negotiate online threats and restrictions? Activists from around the world addressed these and other questions through a global online survey on sexual rights work and the internet.

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Tangled, like wool - Sex, sexuality and the internet in India

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2013 - 09:19 | 23,735 views
A recent survey of sexual rights activists in India shows that most consider the internet an integral part of their activism. Tangled, Like Wool explores several intertwined questions arising from this: What does the internet bring to sexual rights activism? Do the online and the offline complement each other in this kind of activism? How does keeping the internet free and open strengthen…

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How activism shapes your experience of being a citizen on the internet

Posted Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 08:34 | 24,029 views
What does it mean to use the internet freely and fully? What freedom do you have to express who you are, how you live your life, what you desire, dream and believe in on the internet? And how safely can you communicate, contribute, exist, navigate and be in the spaces online that can so powerfully connect you to communities and knowledges that build our sense of self? This article written by…

Feminist talk

Why we should get over facebook

Posted Thu 16 Sep 2010 - 03:57 | 10,804 views
Social networking sites and privacy formed the main topics in two sessions Maya attended - but she found that the discussions were not grounded in research, that users were absent from the debates and tired assumptions dominated the rooms. What's needed, she argues, are more workable proposals that take into account a variety of research and based on how people actually use social networking…


Women in Sync: Networking for Change: The APC WNSP’s First 8 Years (Toolkit 2)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:33 | 5,835 views
Networking for Change is the second volume of Women in Sync, a toolkit for women’s electronic networking. It chronicles the history of the Association for Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme (APCWNSP) in its first 8 years of working together. In a series of articles, it examines how APCWNSP grew from a small band of women to a global network that served as an incubator…


Women in Sync: Putting Beijing Online (Toolkit 1)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:33 | 5,381 views
Putting Beijing Online is the first volume of Women in Sync, a toolkit for women’s electronic networking drawn largely from the pioneering experiences of APCWNSP. It documents the reflections of the women (and some men) who worked onsite in Huairou and Beijing and offsite from all over the globe during the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women (UNWCW).