Image description: Returnees at bus stand in Manipur

Feminist talk

Precarious future for returnees coming back to Manipur

Posted Sat 8 Aug 2020 - 08:07 | 2,979 views

More than 45,000 people have registered to return to their home-state Manipur, and a large number of them are women nurses who faced discrimination and harassment while they were doing their jobs in mainland India. Returnees now face a precarious future regarding where they live, their jobs and their future.

Image description: Painting of different colour hands touching

Feminist talk

COVID-19 is Leaving Women and LGBTQIA+ People in the USA Vulnerable to Online Surveillance

Posted Wed 5 Aug 2020 - 08:41 | 3,448 views

Essential workers and service workers in the United States of America, especially those who belong to LGBTQIA+ community, are increasingly more vulnerable at the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are at risk of losing employment benefits, and are subject to discrimination and surveillance at their workplace.

Parijatha interviewing a group of domestic workers.

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on awareness of worker's rights

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:58 | 5,620 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground. Here the author reflects on whether domestic workers are sufficiently aware of their rights and of unions that they could be part of, regardless of whether they use online platforms or find work using more traditional routes.


Charter of Feminist Demands From The Global South

Posted Wed 22 Mar 2023 - 02:12 | 289 views

Insights from dialogues held in 2022 in a series of consultations across the Global South led to the development of this Charter of demands to achieve a shared feminist vision for the digital future.

Feminist talk

How Platform Design Shapes Working Conditions in India: A Case Study Of Urban Company

Posted Tue 15 Nov 2022 - 04:56 | 1,120 views

Conversations about service delivery apps are usually centred around how customers experience these apps, but rarely do these discussions explore and examine the conditions service providers work in. The study by The Centre for Internet & Society analyses one platform, Urban Company, in India for its treatment of domestic workers who register on the app to provide services on the company's…


Platforms, Power, and Politics: Perspectives from Domestic and Care Work in India

Posted Thu 1 Jul 2021 - 17:53 | 1,899 views

In this final report, CIS India shares the findings and recommendations of a 2-year research project studying the entry of digital platforms in the domestic and care work in India, as part of the Feminist Internet Research Network.

Radha making a research interview.

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on conducting interviews on sensitive issues

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:56 | 3,956 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece a researcher talks about the experience of doing research with workers, unions and companies and of trying to determine the extent of sexual harassment or caste prejudice in the platform economy around domestic labour

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on difficulty to set up interviews

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:52 | 3,909 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece, the researcher speaks of the difficulties of setting up interviews with domestic workers, often torn between home and work obligations.

Meeting of domestic workers unionists in Indica.

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on research and social work

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:50 | 7,064 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece, the writer explores how it is possible but also difficult for her to do social work and awareness building, and shift to doing research.

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Digital mediation of reproductive and care work in India: research reflexivity and challenges

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:40 | 5,464 views

Women who do domestic work are able to now find employers through online platforms, but does this new avenue and promise of the digital economy ensure that their labour rights are upheld? In this short series, we read about four researchers who directly interviewed with workers as part of a project in the Feminist Internet Research Network. Here are the reflections of the researchers on ethics…