In depth

Mapping as a strategy to disclose online violence against women

Posted Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 14:50 | 17,725 views
When the APC Women's Rights Programme decided to use the Ushahidi map to collect information about the online violence that many women around the world were enduring, the aim was to gather evidence and show how ICTs can be used to perpetrate violence against women. In two years, from July 2012 to July 2014, almost 500 cases denouncing the use of ICTs and online spaces to perpetrate violence…


Technology-related violence against women – Recent legislative trends

Posted Tue 26 Aug 2014 - 16:28 | 17,745 views
This study seeks to explore recent legislative developments aimed at addressing and providing avenues of redress for technology-related violence against women. We explore the objectives, structure and application of four domestic legislative responses to different forms of violence against women, seeking to understand how domestic legislatures are responding to increasing awareness of violence…


Internet intermediaries and violence against women online: User policies and redress framework of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Posted Sun 3 Aug 2014 - 22:57 | 22,150 views
A recent report, “Internet intermediaries and violence against women online” released by the Association for Progressive Communications for the “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project, analyses the policies and redress framework of the three major internet intermediaries: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, in regard to violence against women online. These case studies allow APC to…