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From Geek to the WSIS Gender Caucus

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 5,259 views
Jac sm Kee grabs a conversation with Jacqueline A. Morris during WSIS PrepComm3 at Geneva, and finds out about how a girl from Trinidad & Tobago ends up being a gender & ICT advocate, her insights about the two priority issues in WSIS Phase II – financing and internet governance – as well as the efficacy of the WSIS Gender Caucus.

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Gender and ICT Issues at Women's World Congress

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 4,514 views
Gender and ICT advocates from all world regions joined some 2,000 other women activists at the Women's Worlds Congress 2005, Korea, June 19-24. The advocates met separately for 2 days at Sookmyung Women's University to discuss gender and ICT issues at the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS 2005). The meeting produced the Seoul-Gyeonggi Declaration which outlines gender issues and…

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Online safety for women

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:19 | 5,200 views
The BC Rural Women’s Network, sponsored by the Vernon Women’s Centre Society, announced a new project addressing Online Safety for Women. Funded by Status of Women Canada and the National Crime Prevention Strategy, this 12-month third phase project will address women’s safety when using the internet and email communications.


Review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action - Report of the Secretary-General

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 4,736 views
The UN Secretary-General's report (E/CN.6/2010/2) in preparation for the 54th Commission on the Status of Women who undertook the 15 year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BpfA), including the section J – Women and Media. Media and ICT are mentioned throughout the Report as important tools for awareness raising and information dissemination, for example, under the…


The Africa Women's Regional Shadow Report on Beijing +15

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 5,828 views
A regional analysis on the status of women 15 years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The report maps out the progress, gaps and challenges under each of the critical areas of concern in the West, Eastern and Southern sub-regions, with emphasis on the period since the last review in 2004 (Beijing +10). For example, the report argues ,that the ICTs have…


Privacy, Openness, Online Advertising and Online Behavioral Targeting Advertising

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 4,511 views

This paper was presented at the "


Argentina: Violence against Women and Information Communication Technologies

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 10,406 views
Cristina Peralta examines the situation in Argentina, where few cases of VAW using ICTs have been denounced. One study found that a small percentage of young girls had been contacted by unknown people via chat or Facebook before disappearing. Cell phones are also used for controlling women's mobility and have become one of the first artifacts to be destroyed by the partner during violent…


Cambodia: Violence against Women and Information Communication Technologies

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 11,547 views
Chim Manavy examines how growth of the internet is pushing the limits of a society's attitudes towards acceptable media images, through exploitative use of images taken for private consumption. Technology is moving across boundaries faster than the law can address. At the same time, ICT use in general, much less awareness of how ICTs can be strategically used to combat violence against women, is…


Brazil: Violence against Women and Information Communication Technologies

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 9,321 views
In this paper, Ingrid Leao, Thais Lapa and Tamara Amoroso discuss violence against women in the media, with advertisement and TV show examples. It also looks at civil society expectations for the first National Conference on Communications, to be held in December 2009. It examines the use of social networks like Orkut and Twitter; denouncements of VAW practices, such as cyber-bullying of teenage…


South Africa: Violence against Women and ICT

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 10,531 views
Two key debates are examined in the paper by Shereen Essof: censorship versus freedom of expression and privacy versus surveillance. She looks at the practices of VAW in a country with the world's highest reported rate of femicide and where there is little understanding of the strategic use of ICTs to support combating VAW as well as recognizing new avenues for perpetrating violence against women.