Two queer persons hugging each other

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Queer lust and internet orgasms

Posted Thu 10 Jun 2021 - 17:05 | 5,418 views

In this piece, the author investigates how they witnessed alternative porn that in its core is feminist, queer and diverse on the internet.


Imagining a principle for a feminist internet focusing on environmental justice

Posted Tue 11 May 2021 - 19:36 | 5,547 views

“A feminist internet respects life in all shapes and colours. It is not a consumer.” As part of the GISWatch 2020 report, the author brings together the background and basis for a feminist internet principle in relation to the environment.


Alternate realities, alternate internets: African feminist research for a feminist internet

Posted Wed 19 Aug 2020 - 12:21 | 2,645 views

Discriminatory gendered practices in the physical world are similarly reproduced online across digital platforms. This report by presents research into the online lived experiences of women in five countries across Africa.

Abstract srawing with people and buildings

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Machín 2 Machín (II): A critical feminist and psychosocial perspective on new digital networks

Posted Mon 10 Aug 2020 - 17:33 | 10,884 views

In the second part of their article, Loreto Bravo and Peter Bloom alert us to the dangers of a romanticization of technologies and develop a psychosocial and feminist approach as a tool to face the new wave of hyperconnectivity that is announced with 5G.

Mujer con flores en sus ojos y colibríes alrededor

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Machín 2 Machín (I): A critical feminist and psychosocial perspective on new digital networks

Posted Fri 7 Aug 2020 - 14:48 | 14,899 views

In the first half of this two parts article, Loreto Bravo and Peter Bloom delve deeper into a critique of the new networks that are emerging with the rushed transition to 5G, from a feminist and psychosocial perspective.

Image description: Women and girls sitting on floor

Feminist talk

Dare to Imagine

Posted Fri 13 Mar 2020 - 02:59 | 7,321 views

When is the last time that you daydreamed, spending hours imagining some unrealistic ideas? Have you found yourself continuously getting overwhelmed by different issues happening in this world as a feminist? Is it difficult for you to take a break, a break for fantasising, and enjoying your daydreams?

Making a feminist internet: Movement building in a digital age in Africa

Posted Wed 18 Mar 2020 - 08:17 | 14,580 views

This edition gathers a series of reflections inspired by the first Making a Feminist Internet in Africa regional convening. Feminists from eighteen African countries came together to discuss what the internet means for their lives, what a feminist internet looks like, and most importantly what does feminist movement building in a digital age look like for African feminists? We knew that this…

Feminist talk

How to use social media for activism [VIDEO]

Posted Thu 23 Aug 2018 - 04:19 | 3,142 views
Here are tips and insights on how to use social media for activism and movement-building, on how to use internet and social media to amplify your cause. In this video Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah touches on several instances of how social media can and has been used by African feminists, and especially describing popular campaigns and hashtags on Twitter

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A technopolitical approach to online gender-based violence

Posted Tue 26 Jun 2018 - 00:45 | 15,478 views

Technology is not gender neutral and this article shows how social media companies and tech corporations play a role in perpetuating online gender-based violence. What we need is a critical examination of the tools available and their underlying techno-politics so we can create community alternatives for feminist communication.

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Breaking online gender-based violence

Posted Wed 6 Jun 2018 - 08:08 | 13,515 views

An understanding of online gender-based violence as part of the structure of cultural and social violence that women face is essential to finding solutions or to combat it. In this article Serene Lim delves into what could be feminist legal approaches to online GBV, the alleged opposition to free speech and the multi-generational work required to dismantle frameworks of patriarchal oppression…