
[DECLARATION] Decolonising the internet: Second International Cyberfeminist Meeting

Posted Tue 15 May 2018 - 06:27 | 10,795 views
Digital technologies, with their diversity of tools and devices, their opportunities and risks, represent key spaces for feminist, queer, LGBT* and anti-racist political action. Contrary to the decentralisation and democratisation promised by the internet, it is now largely owned by large social media corporations, technology and service companies. In view of the struggles for power and narrative…

The right to scream: Research on sexuality, the internet and communication

Posted Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 09:59 | 6,958 views

This edition is an exploration of the multiple layers of the relationship between sexuality, rights and sexual expression and the internet, through the EROTICS research located in three countries in South Asia and the EROTICS global survey of sexuality and internet activists. The most emphatic finding of both the survey and research is that communication rights should be considered as part of…

Feminist talk

Politics of a feminist internet in Zimbabwe: Resistance and Silence

Posted Tue 26 Sep 2017 - 09:59 | 4,574 views

In this article Anthea Taderera looks at the personal and political meaning and potentials of a feminist internet. What does it mean to imagine and create a black, African feminist space with room for archiving, theorising and engagement away/free from the surveillance and regulation of state and private parties alike?

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Debrahmanizing Online Sphere: On Larger Questions of Caste, Gender and Patriarchy

Posted Fri 8 Sep 2017 - 03:27 | 11,119 views

A powerful discourse around ‘digitally empowered society’ and ‘knowledge economy’ have been added to the neoliberal Indian vocabulary, while access to basic quality education, teachers, schools, infrastructure and so on are still major issues faced by the underprivileged in India. Identities are being formed around new interactive practices, particularly for young Dalit women. This article…

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Interview with Maggie Mapondera : A feminist internet must always be grounded offline

Posted Thu 7 Sep 2017 - 04:47 | 10,024 views
In this interview with Maggie Mapondera, she unpacks movement-building and the role of ICTs. Movements are built around shared stories and passions, and ICTs are one aspect of how momentum is built and sustained around a cause. Here Maggie Mapondera shows how women's stories are powerful and can potentially change the world, but we must listen with care and integrity.

Feminist talk

[SPECIAL EDITION] #NiUnaMenos: Politicising the use of technologies

Posted Mon 4 Sep 2017 - 04:45 | 9,024 views
Ni Una Menos (Not One Woman Less) is a popular feminist uprising originating in Argentina that spread across parts of Latin America, and then across to Poland, Spain and Italy as well. This article traces the origins of this fiery and defiant moment that became a hashtag and a movement, and how it links to technology and social media and to other movements across the world.


Making a Feminist Internet: Movement Building in a Digital Age. Call for participants

Posted Tue 29 Aug 2017 - 19:22 | 7,659 views
Are you a feminist, women’s rights, sexual rights or internet rights activist?

Are you curious about how digital platforms and internet technologies have affected and impacted on how we organise for change? Whether this be new actors, strategies, issues, dynamics, threats, challenges or opportunities?

Join us in unboxing and re-imagining movement building in the digital…

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An ongoing conversation on feminist autonomous infrastructure: Erika Smith and Kéfir

Posted Wed 2 Aug 2017 - 07:54 | 8,123 views

What began as a small fundraising drive in July 2017 for Kéfir, a feminist libre tech co-op, has transformed into exploring the importance of feminist infrastructure in Latin America. This is an ongoing conversation between Erika Smith, from Take Back the Tech and APC-WRP with members of the collective Kéfir on infrastructure and the internet, labour in movements, and how to set up new…

Feminist talk

What do women’s rights have to do with the SDGs and the Internet?

Posted Tue 1 Aug 2017 - 00:31 | 5,877 views
The sustainable development goals explicitly mention gender equality, yet how will this be achieved and how is this linked to the potentially transformative role that ICTs could play. If the SDGs are going to use ICTs as a vehicle to achieve the goals then we need to use an intersectional and multi-pronged approach to ensure that women, girls and other marginalized groups are not left behind.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] How women in the Global South are RECLAIMING SOCIAL MEDIA to promote body positivity

Posted Tue 11 Jul 2017 - 04:54 | 7,899 views
In this column, Samukelisiwe explores how women in the global South have started using social media to make up for the lack of representation of black and brown women in mainstream media. Women of colour, people with disability, gender non conforming persons and others now use the internet to explore their image and their body, and form communities that celebrate different ways of being.