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Whose internet is it indeed! Internet governance feminism as political praxis

Posted Tue 16 Jun 2015 - 09:36 | 7,780 views
These reflections follow on from a personal recollection of Heike Jensen on the Global Internet Governance Academic Network blog. Here, Marianne Franklin focuses on one of Heike's later publications, a chapter for the 2013 edition of the Global Information Society Watch entitled “Whose internet is it anyway? Shaping the internet – feminist voices in governance decision making”.

Feminist talk

APC at IGF 2014: Bishakha Datta on the Feminist Principles of the Internet

Posted Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 08:58 | 5,448 views
Feminist activist and filmmaker Bishakha Datta of Point of View (India) helped draft the groundbreaking Feminist Principles of the Internet. An initiative of APC's Women's Rights Programme, this tool for advancing internet rights was launched at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Istanbul, Turkey in September 2014. APC’s Elvira Truglia spoke to Datta during the IGF about the relevance of the…

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“In our work, the internet is a main stakeholder”: A feminist talk with Hayriye Avatar at the IGF

Posted Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 18:26 | 14,062 views
The Turkish LGBTI rights organization Kaos GL turns 20 on September 20. At the Internet Governance Forum just held in Istanbul, Bishakha Datta interviewed Kaos activist Hayriye Avatar on their pathbreaking LGBTI activism, both online and offline.


Why do the Feminist Principles of the Internet matter?

Posted Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 12:09 | 10,187 views
There were several sessions and side meetings at the 9th Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Out of those, there were only a few on gender and sexuality. The Gender Dynamic Coalition launched the Feminist Principles of the Internet at the end of the session, making the document officially public. Here is an analysis on why those principles matter.


Summary Report of the Gender Dynamic Coalition meeting at the IGF 2014

Posted Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 08:57 | 7,130 views
The Gender Dynamic Coalition meeting discussed the outcomes from key processes and discussions on internet governance leading up to the IGF 2014 – including 2013 IGF Gender Report Card findings, WSIS+10 results, and NetMundial to assess integration of gender issues and concerns. The meeting also launched the new Feminist Principles of the Internet which is a working document produced from a…

Feminist talk

World Pulse brings the power of its international network to IGF to advance women’s digital inclusion worlwide

Posted Wed 24 Sep 2014 - 09:46 | 5,393 views
When the ninth annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) commenced in Istanbul, Turkey, Portland-based World Pulse, a network of tens of thousands of women and allies in more than 190 countries, has an opportunity to accelerate digital inclusion for women worldwide.

Feminist talk

Never mind the nipples: Sex, gender and social media

Posted Tue 16 Sep 2014 - 08:26 | 9,607 views
This article is based on the speech given by Bishakha Datta at the Disco-Tech event organised by APC that took place at the 2014 Internet Governance Forum in Turkey.

Feminist talk

How crucial is anonymity for sexual exploration and promoting sexual rights activism

Posted Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 07:20 | 11,223 views
While the debate around anonymity rarely gets seen from a feminist angle, women go through this feeling of being watched online and offline every day of their lives. It happens so often and so persistently that it has increasingly become synonymous to the experience of being a woman. It is no wonder then that the Feminists Principles of the Internet vocally advocate that “It is our inalienable…

Feminist talk

#WhatAreYouDoingAboutVAW campaign: Social media accountability

Posted Fri 12 Sep 2014 - 11:41 | 10,031 views
On 21 July, Take Back the Tech! began a campaign demanding to know what Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are doing about violence against women on their sites. Our primary goal is to get them to take a clear stand on violence against women in their terms of service and engage with diverse civil society to find solutions for safer platforms

Feminist talk

Why do the Feminist Principles of the Internet matter?

Posted Fri 12 Sep 2014 - 11:40 | 7,119 views
The internet is believed to be an open space for everyone to express themselves freely. So why do we need a set of principles to "govern" us?