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Educating, Hiring, and Retaining Women in Technology: A Gendered Enquiry

Posted Wed 22 Feb 2017 - 03:27 | 11,376 views

Research suggests that women are underrepresented at every level in technology(McKinsey survey, 2016). Why is this the case? And how do we educate, hire, and retain more women in it? In this article, Radhika Radhakrishnan highlights the underlying realities that women face in technology beyond just a numbers game, and offer insight to such questions by interviewing diverse, pioneering women…

Feminist talk

Ten facts about your computer: Health, hardware and the toll on women

Posted Tue 21 Feb 2017 - 13:03 | 8,098 views
This article takes a look at where our hardware comes from, the electronics factories situated in primarily Asian countries, and the challenges facing the people, primarily women, who work there, and the issues that impact upon women workers in the electronics industry. Ten facts about your computer that illuminate the gendered nature of the labour that is embedded in our hardware.

Feminist talk

A painting of an African feminist internet

Posted Wed 8 Feb 2017 - 22:38 | 6,135 views
Addressing the internet gender divide in Africa can only be achieved through the deliberate creation of a feminist internet, and this was affirmed by the Gender and Internet Governance eXchange (gigX) workshop that was held on 10 October 2016 in Durban. We need a feminist internet that works to empower all of us in our diversities, creates equal power relations, and dismantles patriarchy in all…

Feminist talk

Defining their place: Gender at the Internet Governance Forum 2016

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 12:52 | 5,619 views
The Internet Governance Forum has been valuable as a multistakeholder space that facilitates the discussion and dialogue of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. Over the years several feminists, activists and others interested in diverse representation have been participating in IGF and observing how concerns related to gender, sexuality, and the internet are raised and addressed.…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Taking action: Making climate justice and climate action a reality

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2017 - 06:50 | 4,714 views
In the final column on gender, ICTs and climate change, Sonia Randhawa explores what are the possible actions that individuals can take -- in the face of impending climate change and the devastating and inequitable effect it has on people. At an individual level, we can reduce our carbon footprint. We also need to get involved in the climate movement. The climate emergency is with us now, and we…

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Reshaping the Internet for Women

Posted Tue 27 Dec 2016 - 11:14 | 11,115 views
Even in 2015 the contribution by women to Wikipedia, one of the largest repositories online of organised knowledge about the world, had not reached 25% of the total. Most of the content online comes from the global North, specifically from white male contributors in North America. What needs to be done to ensure diversity, localisation and gender parity in content online? APCNews speaks to…

Feminist talk

ESC rights, gender and internet: Learnings from the GISWatch report

Posted Wed 7 Dec 2016 - 08:53 | 6,434 views
The GISWatch report 2016 looks at the link between economic, social, cultural (ESC) rights and the internet in several countries, and from a multitude of systems of governance, whether that of socialism and the welfare state, or the semi-functional welfare schemes in parts of Asia and Africa (Uganda, Cambodia), and even the relatively privileged parts of the world, like Spain. Here is a synthesis…

10 years of Take Back the Tech!

Posted Wed 16 Nov 2016 - 03:50 | 11,340 views
Technology facilitates violence against women, but it also facilitates information sharing, capacity building, networking and alternative media - Take back the tech! is the realisation of the idea that the internet can be used to expand the movement against all forms of gender-based violence. This edition brings to us the voices from the campaigns from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Canada,…

Feminist talk

[READING LIST] Gender, Race, Sexuality and Surveillance

Posted Fri 28 Oct 2016 - 08:33 | 9,188 views
This reading list provides an overview of recent books, articles and sources across the internet for those interested in learning more about how race, gender, and sexuality relate to surveillance. Far from comprehensive, it offers a starting point to explore how an intersectional lens and feminist attention to state, corporate, and peer surveillance practices and their differential effects on…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Joining the dots: Labour, sustainability, resilience in gender and climate change

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2016 - 12:34 | 24,375 views
What is the connection between labour unions, women workers and climate change? This monthly column on connecting the dots between climate change and gender, explores the exploitative conditions that are still prevalent in the electronics industry. While workers in Pearl River delta in China may no longer face sweatshop conditions, the production has shifted to other poorer parts and most often…