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An ongoing conversation on feminist autonomous infrastructure: Erika Smith and Kéfir

Posted Wed 2 Aug 2017 - 07:54 | 8,123 views

What began as a small fundraising drive in July 2017 for Kéfir, a feminist libre tech co-op, has transformed into exploring the importance of feminist infrastructure in Latin America. This is an ongoing conversation between Erika Smith, from Take Back the Tech and APC-WRP with members of the collective Kéfir on infrastructure and the internet, labour in movements, and how to set up new…

Feminist talk

What do women’s rights have to do with the SDGs and the Internet?

Posted Tue 1 Aug 2017 - 00:31 | 5,877 views
The sustainable development goals explicitly mention gender equality, yet how will this be achieved and how is this linked to the potentially transformative role that ICTs could play. If the SDGs are going to use ICTs as a vehicle to achieve the goals then we need to use an intersectional and multi-pronged approach to ensure that women, girls and other marginalized groups are not left behind.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Access and beyond (4): Gendered barriers to internet use

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 - 03:53 | 6,959 views
Gendered barriers to internet access can range from social and cultural barriers imposed within family or by partners to extraneous factors relevant to all - such as affordability of data and devices. In this column Chenai Chair examines the specificity of how access is different for women and men.

Feminist talk

Framing access and power at Stockholm Internet Forum 2017

Posted Thu 22 Jun 2017 - 05:46 | 6,566 views
The Stockholm Internet Forum 2017 focused their discussions on the links between access and power. In this article Shaikh Rafia Sarwar examines how access is linked to women's empowerment and particularly their economic empowerment. And whether the debate around access should focus on economic, cultural and social empowerment of women through and outside technology, rather than ensuring access to…

Feminist talk

Tackling the gender digital divide in Africa

Posted Thu 1 Jun 2017 - 03:49 | 7,133 views
The coming of the digital age and of information technology promises that those 'left out' or excluded from development will be to access their rights and enjoy a higher standard of living. But what is the truth for African women - are the experiences of all 'marginal' women being lumped together and how far away is the promise of equal access and gender equity.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Access and Beyond (2): Motivations for internet use

Posted Thu 11 May 2017 - 03:32 | 6,856 views
In this column, Chenai Chair explores motivations of internet use through the ResearchICT Africa study in Rwanda, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. Business, local and global communication, social ties, and curiosity seem to be the main motivators. By understanding why people go online, we can better shape interventions for a connected society.


Technology-mediated Violence against Women in India: Discussion paper

Posted Tue 9 May 2017 - 03:33 | 6,630 views

The purpose of this issue paper is to lay out the key legal, institutional and ethical issues concerning technology-mediated Violence against Women (VAW), to raise critical questions for further deliberation and action. This paper draws upon secondary literature in this area, and inputs from Indian feminist scholars and practitioners working in the domains of gender-based violence, women’s…

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Did Facebook finally figure out that consent is more important than nipples?

Posted Wed 3 May 2017 - 05:57 | 6,850 views
In April 2017 Facebook announced a new tool that will prevent an intimate image posted without consent from being shared further on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram. Erika Smith and Fungai Machirori go deep and debate the pros and cons of this proposed system, and how feminist-friendly and positive about alternate sexualities it is.

Feminist talk

Working out access on our own: Community projects, gender and internet

Posted Mon 1 May 2017 - 19:00 | 5,108 views
As our cities turn smart and countries turn digital the gender gap in terms of internet access is disturbing. The lack of access directly relates to the loss of rights of women and minorities. Sadly there is a long way to go before we close this gap. Chinmayi S K explores projects that attempted in innovative ways to address the digital gender gap online.

Feminist talk

A place for all: On being diverse and inclusive @RightsCon

Posted Fri 28 Apr 2017 - 05:27 | 5,476 views
More than 1,500 business leaders, civil society advocates, policy makers, lawyers, bloggers, technologists, and users participated in RightsCon Brussels 2017 (March) and there were over 250 sessions related to human rights and technology. Serene Lim explores the ways in which inequity was addressed at the forum, and how exclusion and marginalisation were framed in various sessions.