Voices and Views

TBTT Global Meet, Nepal: An illustrated journey with questionable accuracy/a love letter to the gathering

Posted Fri 7 Dec 2018 - 02:08 | 5,455 views

An illustrated journal and love letter to the feminists, hackers, women, gender-diverse, astrology-believers, radical nay-sayers, hikers, sleepers, vegans, beef-eaters, and everyone else who gathered in Nepal for the Take back the Tech and Feminist Tech Exchange camps in August 2018.

Street outside bank in Manipur during demonetisation and network shutdown 2016


How internet shutdowns affect the lives of women in Manipur

Posted Thu 6 Dec 2018 - 04:49 | 5,386 views

What is the experience of living through frequent network shutdowns and bans on mobile internet in the context of Manipur, a region located northeast of India. This article reviews a report on shutdowns in the region, and explores the specific impacts on women, and more broadly on people living in a sensitive region. 


Mapping Digital Landscapes of Trans Activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

Posted Thu 8 Nov 2018 - 03:30 | 4,857 views

This report on Mapping Digital Landscapes of Trans Activism in Central Asia and Eastern Europe provides a regional overview of digital organizing by trans activists in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, emphasizing shared patterns of digital usage, barriers to free and safe use of the internet, and resistance strategies to homo/transphobic-motivated censorship, surveillance, and online attacks…


Mapping research on gender and digital technology

Posted Tue 3 Jul 2018 - 08:04 | 3,242 views

The emerging sub-field of research around gender and digital technology is united in its understanding that gender biases and stereotypes are embedded in technology, and that this reproduces the existing problems around gender parity, gender-based violence, discrimination and exclusion on the internet. This report is a mapping of the research around gender and digital technology in the decade…

Feminist talk

Digital Waves of Hate: The Struggle Continues for Pakistan’s Transgender Community

Posted Fri 27 Jan 2023 - 01:41 | 1,371 views

The transgender community in Pakistan has constantly been subjected to persecution and violence hindering their participation in 'normal' life. This violence has increasingly been mirrored into digital world leading to plethora of hashtag campaigns initiated to damage the struggles of the community.

On Holding Half The Sky: Stories of Resilience From The Horn Of Africa

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2023 - 04:03 | 1,516 views

The editors co-created this edition as a reflection of the ever-dynamic and actively resilient mosaic they know to be embodied in each daughter of the Horn.


On Holding Half the Sky: Stories of Resilience

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2023 - 03:50 | 996 views

The editors write about co-creating this edition as a reflection of the ever-dynamic and actively resilient mosaic they know to be embodied in each daughter of the Horn.

Feminist talk

Of The Things War Did To Us

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2023 - 06:40 | 1,753 views

What is belonging? What is its role in our lives - if any? Are we free to belong, freed by belonging or bound by it? In this piece, Etenat pulls the curtains allowing us a little peek into her exploration of these questions through her experience of a war ravaging all she knew -or thought she knew - of land, love and liberation. Her articulation of the sentences exacted upon her (and many…

Feminist talk

Resilience through Internet Research: Reflections on Conducting Research with Front-Line Defenders in the Horn of Africa

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2023 - 06:18 | 1,520 views

Academically, politically, socially, religiously, realistically and holistically, what is resilience? This reflective piece takes us through the behind the scenes and in-betweens of a research on the (in)visibilitiy of muslim women human right defenders in the Horn of Africa. In their reflection of the research, an invitation to reckon with seeing oneself in the “subject” of one’s research,…

Feminist talk

Poem: Sad & Lonely

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2023 - 04:07 | 793 views

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In her poetic contributions to our edition, Ayak blatantly challenges this as she paints and captures thousands of images, voices in and between each word.