Feminist talk

Imagine a Feminist Internet: The conversation is on!

Posted Fri 17 Jul 2015 - 11:46 | 5,909 views
This year, a group of 45 activists, researchers, academics and techies are meeting again in Malaysia to deepen the discussion around feminism and technology. They will be tweeting on #imagineafeministinternet and we invite you to participate in the conversation by engaging with the hashtag and following @takebackthetech.

Feminist talk

Ladder of Hierarchy: how gender matters in internet governance

Posted Fri 17 Jul 2015 - 07:57 | 5,871 views
In the Gender and Internet Governance Exchange (gigX) workshop last month participants from different countries in Asia were asked to arrange a series of words by the “ladder of hierarchy”. Despite our cultural differences, it seemed that we all agreed on one thing – whether married or unmarried - man is always on top.

Feminist talk

Three things I’ve learned at the Gender and Internet Governance Exchange, Asia

Posted Wed 8 Jul 2015 - 11:00 | 6,054 views
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado was one of the participants in the Gender and Internet Governance Exchange in Asia. In this feminist talk, she shares how she participated with other feminists in the questioning around “what kind of internet do we want and what will it take for us to achieve it?”

Feminist talk

Why feminism matters to the internet?

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:55 | 4,698 views
Feminism is a political statement, and more importantly political practice, way of thinking, understanding and public articulation of practically every issue of life. Feminism as such would be able to manage, animate and even more importantly took part in the defining and coding of virtual space.

Feminist talk

Foundation for Media Alternatives contributes to Philippine alternative report on women, media and ICT for CSW 59

Posted Thu 12 Mar 2015 - 06:39 | 5,225 views
“Women, media, and information/communication technology” is the title of the report that Filipino civil society organisations put together to be shared at the discussions taking place at the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 59) in New York, from 9 to 20 March 2015. Lisa García, from APC member Foundation for Media Alternatives, explains how the organisation’s work…

Feminist talk

AfriSIG 2014: The Journey

Posted Fri 5 Dec 2014 - 01:53 | 4,660 views
I embarked on my journey to the second African School on Internet Governance with a few readings done and the Wikimedia definition of internet governance memorized. Eager to learn and to contribute the bit I’ve learned over the past few months, little did I know what awaited me.

Feminist talk

Trials of a confused feminist (in an internet governance school)

Posted Mon 24 Nov 2014 - 09:22 | 13,754 views
As I sit at the Internet Governance School in perhaps the lushest hotel I have ever stayed in, I am struck with the somewhat unwelcome (but certainly not unfamiliar) feeling of being way out of my depth. I have always paid lip service to this whole “exposing myself to new experiences, new ideas” thing. After all, that’s how we grow, isn’t it? It’s exciting! Fun! Awesome! It’s how we learn. It’s…

Feminist talk

How technology informs my activism: A conversation with gender and technology activists in Barcelona

Posted Mon 27 Oct 2014 - 09:27 | 17,404 views
Interviewed during the APC Member Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, gender and technology activists Anne Roth, Hilary Goldstein, Marie Githini, and Sarah Marland, talked about how technology informs their activism and what turns them on about technology.

Feminist talk

APC at IGF 2014: Bishakha Datta on the Feminist Principles of the Internet

Posted Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 08:58 | 5,448 views
Feminist activist and filmmaker Bishakha Datta of Point of View (India) helped draft the groundbreaking Feminist Principles of the Internet. An initiative of APC's Women's Rights Programme, this tool for advancing internet rights was launched at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Istanbul, Turkey in September 2014. APC’s Elvira Truglia spoke to Datta during the IGF about the relevance of the…

Feminist talk

Violence against women and ICT in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A tricky place between raising awareness and lobbying for laws

Posted Tue 14 Oct 2014 - 13:56 | 4,480 views
For years now, the topic of violence against women that is happening through ICT has not been “attractive” enough for our local media. Even with the rise of the number of our mapped cases and educational trainings held, they simply did not seem to care enough to publish our case studies, much less, to do an interview on the topic. Up until this July.