
Mapping research on gender and digital technology

Posted Tue 3 Jul 2018 - 08:04 | 3,242 views

The emerging sub-field of research around gender and digital technology is united in its understanding that gender biases and stereotypes are embedded in technology, and that this reproduces the existing problems around gender parity, gender-based violence, discrimination and exclusion on the internet. This report is a mapping of the research around gender and digital technology in the decade…


FTX: Safety Reboot

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2023 - 07:36 | 313 views

The FTX: Safety Reboot is a training curriculum made up of several modules for trainers who work with women’s rights and sexual rights activists to use the internet safely, creatively and strategically.


Imagining a principle for a feminist internet focusing on environmental justice

Posted Tue 11 May 2021 - 19:36 | 5,547 views

“A feminist internet respects life in all shapes and colours. It is not a consumer.” As part of the GISWatch 2020 report, the author brings together the background and basis for a feminist internet principle in relation to the environment.

round of 7 diverse persons

Feminist talk

Gender, diversity and inclusion in open source communities

Posted Thu 29 Apr 2021 - 13:55 | 7,122 views

The code, although open, is not neutral with respect to who contributes and for what. What happens to our contributions when we reveal our gender or sexuality? How can a project in which a significant portion of the work is invisible and not counted really be “free” and open source?

Making a feminist internet: Movement building in a digital age in Africa

Posted Wed 18 Mar 2020 - 08:17 | 14,580 views

This edition gathers a series of reflections inspired by the first Making a Feminist Internet in Africa regional convening. Feminists from eighteen African countries came together to discuss what the internet means for their lives, what a feminist internet looks like, and most importantly what does feminist movement building in a digital age look like for African feminists? We knew that this…

Museum of movements exhibition with images and texts

Feminist talk

How one can imagine embodiment in our “disembodied” online lives?

Posted Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 16:03 | 4,069 views

Shivani Lal shares her experience attending the Imagine a Feminist Internet workshop in Malaysia in November 2019. Shivani explores how one can imagine embodiment in our “disembodied” online lives as a part of our very networked lives today.

Artistic representation: two people with a text bubble in the middle.

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Internet Freedom is Not Enough - Cyberfeminists Are Fighting For a New Reality

Posted Wed 4 Dec 2019 - 08:44 | 14,146 views

Today, feminist activists are claiming that digital rights are human rights, too. This article talks about how cyberfeminists, especially from the global South, are going deeper into making digital rights a reality for women, LBT individuals, non-English speaking people in the global South.

"Self-care". Illustrations by Paru Ramesh


Fixing the glitch

Posted Fri 19 Oct 2018 - 05:14 | 18,470 views

A glitch is a problem or fault that prevents something from being successful or working as well as it should. Seyi Akiwowo describes how online gender-based violence and harassment are the glitches we need to fix, so that the potential of the internet and technology to build and make connections and to solve some of humanity's problems can be fulfilled.

Feminist talk

How to use social media for activism [VIDEO]

Posted Thu 23 Aug 2018 - 04:19 | 3,142 views
Here are tips and insights on how to use social media for activism and movement-building, on how to use internet and social media to amplify your cause. In this video Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah touches on several instances of how social media can and has been used by African feminists, and especially describing popular campaigns and hashtags on Twitter

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A technopolitical approach to online gender-based violence

Posted Tue 26 Jun 2018 - 00:45 | 15,478 views

Technology is not gender neutral and this article shows how social media companies and tech corporations play a role in perpetuating online gender-based violence. What we need is a critical examination of the tools available and their underlying techno-politics so we can create community alternatives for feminist communication.