Illustration with colored faces of women from different origins

Feminist talk

Who is your global South feminism serving?

Posted Thu 20 Aug 2020 - 08:38 | 9,291 views

In this article, the Zimbabwean feminist researcher and writer Fungai Machirori challenges the idea of "the global South" as a homogenous space.

Image description: Women and girls sitting on floor

Feminist talk

Dare to Imagine

Posted Fri 13 Mar 2020 - 02:59 | 7,321 views

When is the last time that you daydreamed, spending hours imagining some unrealistic ideas? Have you found yourself continuously getting overwhelmed by different issues happening in this world as a feminist? Is it difficult for you to take a break, a break for fantasising, and enjoying your daydreams?

Feminist talk

[Review] Measuring the digital divide: Why we should be using a women-centered analysis

Posted Wed 4 Jul 2018 - 06:32 | 5,543 views

How do we measure the difference between access to the internet for men and women? It is without a doubt that such gender internet access gap indicators contribute to defining goals for international and country-level policies. But it is important for us to interrogate the role of indicators and measures in access related work and research. Nic Bidwell analyses the use of tools proposed to…

Feminist talk

Toxic Twitter: Amnesty International report on social media and online violence

Posted Mon 18 Jun 2018 - 03:21 | 8,811 views
Twitter, in particular, can be a powerful tool for women to make connections and express themselves - from high-level female politicians to journalists, activists, writers and bloggers, to women who simply want to know what’s happening around them. It is allegedly the space where ‘every voice has the power to impact the world’. But as revealed by the report by Amnesty International, Twitter is…

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Interview with Just Associates SouthEast Asia

Posted Mon 6 Nov 2017 - 05:45 | 7,903 views
Just Associates believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change. In this interview with Fungai Machirori, JASS speaks about the changing nature of activism and how they rise to the challenge put forth by digital movements and tools.

Feminist talk

Politics of a feminist internet in Zimbabwe: Resistance and Silence

Posted Tue 26 Sep 2017 - 09:59 | 4,574 views

In this article Anthea Taderera looks at the personal and political meaning and potentials of a feminist internet. What does it mean to imagine and create a black, African feminist space with room for archiving, theorising and engagement away/free from the surveillance and regulation of state and private parties alike?

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Debrahmanizing Online Sphere: On Larger Questions of Caste, Gender and Patriarchy

Posted Fri 8 Sep 2017 - 03:27 | 11,119 views

A powerful discourse around ‘digitally empowered society’ and ‘knowledge economy’ have been added to the neoliberal Indian vocabulary, while access to basic quality education, teachers, schools, infrastructure and so on are still major issues faced by the underprivileged in India. Identities are being formed around new interactive practices, particularly for young Dalit women. This article…

Feminist talk

[SPECIAL EDITION] There is no opting out.: Indigenous women in Malaysia and questions of access

Posted Thu 7 Sep 2017 - 09:57 | 6,829 views
In this article, Serene Lim takes a closer look at how questions of access to the internet relate to the struggles of indigenous people and their movement for rights. Rather than the top-down imposition of connectivity, projects for access should align with their social context and as part of their right to sustainable development and right to equal participation.


Making a Feminist Internet: Movement Building in a Digital Age. Call for participants

Posted Tue 29 Aug 2017 - 19:22 | 7,659 views
Are you a feminist, women’s rights, sexual rights or internet rights activist?

Are you curious about how digital platforms and internet technologies have affected and impacted on how we organise for change? Whether this be new actors, strategies, issues, dynamics, threats, challenges or opportunities?

Join us in unboxing and re-imagining movement building in the digital…

Feminist talk

[BOOK REVIEW] Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and Queer counterpublics in Latin America

Posted Wed 5 Apr 2017 - 12:29 | 4,911 views
'Interpreting the internet: Feminist and Queer Counterpublics in Latin America by Elisabeth Jay Friedman looks at a decade long engagement of feminist and women's movements with technology. Alan Finlay reviews the book for, and finds it to be essential reading for anyone interested in how feminist (or any) counterpublics are formed and shaped by appropriating whatever technology is…