

Two weeks to push for greater recognition of our rights

Posted Mon 7 Apr 2014 - 10:10 | 14,075 views
What did we do for two weeks in New York? We participated in one of the most interesting and combative meetings for the advancement of women's rights worldwide. The annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a major event on the calendar of governments and women's organisations because it is where discussions take place on advances and unmet goals under the Beijing Platform…

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Fighting the backlash: Moving the agenda forward at the CSW

Posted Sat 5 Apr 2014 - 18:18 | 14,518 views
The 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women was held in New York from 10 to 21 March 2014. While there were strategic moves forward in relation to ICTs and tech-related violence against women, the APC Women's Rights Programme discuss both the highlights and the frustrations the women's movement faces in pushing the women's rights agenda forward.

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Alberto Cerda: "There are many more international agreements to protect intellectual property than to protect people's privacy"

Posted Wed 2 Apr 2014 - 13:27 | 13,039 views
Alberto Cerda is the international affairs director at Derechos Digitales, a Chilean NGO, and a specialist in intellectual property and privacy issues. In this interview, he analyses the legislation and policies being adopted in Latin America to deal with online violence against women involving the invasion of privacy, and the responsibility assigned to internet intermediaries and individuals.

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CSW58: "We need to move beyond agreements towards public policies that will fulfil the commitments made to women"

Posted Thu 3 Apr 2014 - 15:49 | 13,824 views
The 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) took place from 10 to 21 March 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. “Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for women and girls" was this year's priority theme. The participation of women's organisations in CSW sessions provides an opportunity for delegations to…

Feminist talk

Join People Links Digital Gatherings to discuss technology related violence against women

Posted Fri 14 Mar 2014 - 08:52 | 4,317 views
Join us on Thursday, March 27th from 6-7pm EST and 4-5 CT-MexDF to discuss technology related violence against women and the tensions that exist between combating hate speech versus the right to freedom of expression with Erika Smith from the APC's Women´s Rights Programme.


Feminist Africa 18: e-spaces / e-politics

Posted Thu 16 Jan 2014 - 17:42 | 5,395 views
The 18th edition of the Feminist Africa journal offers a unique perspective to independent public discourse on the implications of global digitisation, presenting African perspectives that emerge from feminist praxis across the continent. In this edition, Jennifer Radloff, Jan Moolman, Jac sm Kee and Caroline Tagny from the APC Women's Rights Programme contribute to the debate with insights on…

Feminist talk

Women and cyber crime in Kenya

Posted Thu 16 Jan 2014 - 07:25 | 10,934 views
Kenya has been one of the first African countries to adopt and innovate ICTs. With this have come both benefits, but also a rise in cybercrime and technology-based violence. A recent study by the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANET) on women and cyber crime in Kenya explores this violence. To unpack the findings of this study, Naomi Kamau spoke to the team behind the study: Alice Munyua, an…

Feminist talk

2013 Prajnya 16 Days Campaign Against Gender Violence: A report on the colloquium on Digital Media and Gender Violence

Posted Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 10:27 | 9,395 views
How do women negotiate a gendered online space? What are the different kinds of violence that people are subject to because of their gender identity? What are various responses that violence elicits? Is the language of the law adequate to address these issues, and how do women use technology to resist and subvert the violence targeted at them? These were some of the issues addressed at a…


Social media - Ethics and etiquette

Posted Thu 12 Dec 2013 - 19:58 | 29,833 views
Social Media Etiquette or netiquette is essentially a loose and continuously evolving set of rules governing online communication behavior. It addresses maintaining one’s own and others’ dignity, respect and privacy. As in ofine behavior, abiding by etiquette and ethics online pays off in the long run.


Online violence - Prevention, reporting and remedy

Posted Thu 12 Dec 2013 - 19:50 | 6,614 views
Social networks are increasingly being used as a tool for identity theft, stalking, harassment, invasion of privacy, and other forms of violence. Sexual predators are also using these tools to their advantage. With increased penetration of the internet and mobile telephony, Pakistan is no different in this respect, with the role of these technologies being used for purposes of crime and violence…