
Women’s rights, gender and Internet governance

Posted Fri 30 Oct 2015 - 10:35 | 14,981 views
This issue paper addresses the degree to which gender and women’s rights feature in Internet1 governance, in multiple interconnected ways including, but certainly not limited to, access, content and representation. Gender and women’s rights occupy a largely rhetorical role in today’s discussion of Internet governance.

Imagining a feminist internet 20 years after the launch of Section J

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 09:03 | 9,795 views
Is it still possible to imagine a debate on a feminist internet within the context of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)? This question has been resounding since the last session of the CSW took place in March 2015. We hope you find this edition useful, with its analysis of what happened around Section J at the 59th session of the CSW, as well as what did not happen, and…

Pakistan: Exploring technology-related violence against women

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 09:03 | 9,526 views
Welcome to the first in a series of seven mini-editions we’re putting together to highlight the project "End violence: Women’s rights and safety online". Each edition focuses on one country in which the research was conducted, and brings together articles, major findings, and interviews with the research teams. In this edition we look at Pakistan, where religious and cultural controls over women…

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Time to update the Section J on women’s real needs

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:14 | 11,882 views

Twenty years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the specific elaboration of Section J on women and the media, the review resolution does not reflect the impact that ICTs have proven to have on women’s lives, as a means to dramatically advance or hinder women’s rights. In this interview by Bianca Baldo for, APC’s Jennifer Radloff and Sara Baker agree that we…

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Of cultural controls and gender inequality: Talking about technology-related violence against women in Pakistan

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:14 | 10,916 views
Pakistan was one of seven countries covered by APC’s research project “End violence: Women's rights and safety online”. The research in Pakistan was done in association with Bytes for All, a human rights organisation that focuses on ICTs. Here, speaks to the manager of advocacy and outreach at Bytes for All, Furhan Hussain, to bring us a closer look into the research findings.

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Joanne Sandler: “Links between Section J and patriarchy need to be high on the agenda of feminists worldwide”

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:14 | 10,276 views
This year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) outcomes set off some alarm bells of concern about the lack of political space for civil society in the CSW process. While the Commission adopted a Political Declaration that reaffirms states’ commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, it failed to confront the real challenges that women and girls around the world face at…

Exploring remedies for technology-based violence against women

Posted Fri 16 Jan 2015 - 17:25 | 10,139 views
In this edition, our collaborators take a moment to reflect and celebrate. They celebrate the great Take Back the Tech! campaign developed in late 2014 that for 16 days brought together women from around the world to reclaim their right to expression online. They also reflect on the first load of findings from the “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project research…


How doing the research became a game-changer for me

Posted Sun 11 Jan 2015 - 21:30 | 13,149 views
It is an honour for me to introduce this edition of This particular issue brings together articles on some of the most important aspects of technology-driven violence against women, hitherto not well understood by the general public, governments or institutions. Much of the material in this issue draws on extensive research conducted by the Association for Progressive Communications…

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Violence against women online: What next steps intermediaries should take

Posted Thu 8 Jan 2015 - 14:59 | 22,200 views
In the response to abuse and threats that women face, are the technology big names like Facebook, Twitter and others taking tangible steps? In this article, collaborator Rafia Shaikh explores the most outstanding points from a new research report developed by Rima Athar for the APC’s “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online” project on Improving Corporate Policies, which talks…

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Apps by and for women

Posted Fri 12 Dec 2014 - 11:44 | 19,376 views
Programming and creating our own applications or apps is about understanding programming codes, taking control and adapting invisible mechanisms. We need to appropriate technical language and create instruments suited to our needs. In this article, Florencia Goldsman shares the cases of two apps that show how technology can be made by and for women.