Collage of editathon posters

Feminist talk

Five tips for a successful edit-a-thon on gender

Posted Thu 20 Dec 2018 - 03:50 | 6,345 views

Do you want to organise an edit-a-thon around gender, women in STEM, movements and feminist histories of organising or anything else? Here are a list of (5 and more) things to watch out for - including the safety of your participants and how to navigate the tricky but sometimes essential rules of editing content on Wikipedia. 

Art by Mike Licht

In depth

Inclusion, mobility and connection: diverse uses of mobile phones for women with disability

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2018 - 07:41 | 5,648 views

Can technology-based solutions improve the quality of life for people with disabilities? Srinidhi Raghavan interviews various women who talk about how mobile phone usage has benefitted them in terms of communication and social interaction, but also about their real concerns around privacy.

artistic representation of people gathered sharing memories

In depth

Creating and caring for feminist digital archives in Africa

Posted Wed 23 Jun 2021 - 15:58 | 5,267 views

This article explores the labour and determination that go into preserving African women’s history, reclaiming online spaces and, more importantly, ensuring that these stories remain accessible and continue to grow for the future generations to come.

Feminist talk

Internet access for women and girls in Zambia

Posted Thu 3 Sep 2020 - 07:50 | 4,500 views

Education going online has posed a series of challenges especially for those living in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world where widespread access to the internet is not a given. This article explores how the Zambian government must show a stronger commitment and take measures to address how girls can access online education.

Illustration with colored faces of women from different origins

Feminist talk

Who is your global South feminism serving?

Posted Thu 20 Aug 2020 - 08:38 | 9,291 views

In this article, the Zimbabwean feminist researcher and writer Fungai Machirori challenges the idea of "the global South" as a homogenous space.


Gender and community networks: Building a movement around community networks and gender equality

Posted Thu 2 Aug 2018 - 05:57 | 2 views

In this third column on gender and community networks, GenderIT interviews Carlos Rey Moreno on what movement building around community networks is all about. How do we get policy makers, organisers, community based organisations and others invested and interested in community networks? And in this constellation of actors and organisations, how do we start talking about gender equality and…

Feminist talk

[SPECIAL EDITION] Editatonas: “I edit, therefore I am”

Posted Tue 5 Sep 2017 - 03:34 | 7,590 views
Editatonas - are Wikipedia edit-a-thons that are exclusively for women. The reason for these events is to deal with the stark difference and lack of representation for women on Wikipedia as compared to men. This is also reflected in that only 10% of Wikipedian editors are women. Carmen Alcazar explores what editatonas do to change that.


IGF Best practice forum on Gender and Access (2016): Overcoming barriers to enable women's meaningful internet access

Posted Tue 13 Jun 2017 - 04:59 | 6,630 views
The BPF is collaborating with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the UN University on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) in its important endeavour to research and map projects and initiatives that aim to address different gender digital divides around the world. The objective of this collaborative data-gathering process is to help stakeholders better understand women and girls’…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Access and Beyond (2): Motivations for internet use

Posted Thu 11 May 2017 - 03:32 | 6,856 views
In this column, Chenai Chair explores motivations of internet use through the ResearchICT Africa study in Rwanda, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. Business, local and global communication, social ties, and curiosity seem to be the main motivators. By understanding why people go online, we can better shape interventions for a connected society.

Feminist talk

Working out access on our own: Community projects, gender and internet

Posted Mon 1 May 2017 - 19:00 | 5,108 views
As our cities turn smart and countries turn digital the gender gap in terms of internet access is disturbing. The lack of access directly relates to the loss of rights of women and minorities. Sadly there is a long way to go before we close this gap. Chinmayi S K explores projects that attempted in innovative ways to address the digital gender gap online.