This review of related studies and literature forms part of the legal remedy research which falls under the "End violence: Women's rights and safety online" (EndVAW) flagship project of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). The project is to be implemented from 2012 to 2015 with support from the Dutch government’s Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women (FLOW) programme.
Read Everjoice Win's timely critical analysis of the Southern African regional context through a feminist lens. Everything from the rise of the prosperity gospel and its impact on discourse about sex, sexuality and women's bodies to the complex legacies of the sub-continent’s liberation struggles and new faces of militarism. With an in-depth focus on Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe (the three…
AWID, in collaboration with members of the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition, has developed this publication in an effort to assess the various mechanisms developed to provide protection to WHRDs at risk, including initiatives developed by national governments, and regional and international human rights bodies. The publication counts with a specific section addressing digital …
The 18th edition of the Feminist Africa journal offers a unique perspective to independent public discourse on the implications of global digitisation, presenting African perspectives that emerge from feminist praxis across the continent. In this edition, Jennifer Radloff, Jan Moolman, Jac sm Kee and Caroline Tagny from the APC Women's Rights Programme contribute to the debate with insights on…
Social Media Etiquette or netiquette is essentially a loose and continuously evolving set of rules governing online communication behavior. It addresses maintaining one’s own and others’ dignity, respect and privacy. As in ofine behavior, abiding by etiquette and ethics online pays off in the long run.
Social networks are increasingly being used as a tool for identity theft, stalking, harassment, invasion of privacy, and other forms of violence. Sexual predators are also using these tools to their advantage. With increased penetration of the internet and mobile telephony, Pakistan is no different in this respect, with the role of these technologies being used for purposes of crime and violence…
From 22-25 October 2013 in Bali, Indonesia, internet governance experts, civil society, government and intergovernmental organizations’ officials, international social and economic development practitioners, members of the academic and technical communities, private sector representatives and other inquiring global citizens gathered together for the 8th meeting of the Internet Governance Forum.…
A new report released by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and the Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos) explores women’s rights and gender through the lens of information and communications technologies (ICTs).