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Women too look at wireless networking, to bridge the gaps
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After sessions ending at 4 am, do gender issues count?
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Gender and ICT policies: it's time to reorder our forces and understand what is happening
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WSIS Rio regional meeting: very few doors open for the gender perspective
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Opening Eyes in Jamaica
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The Latin American and Caribbean Regional Ministerial Preparatory Conference for the World Summit on the Information Society, from the point of view of the NGOs
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Latin american women take on the internet
Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia: Cross-country Study on Violence against Women and Information Communication Technologies
María Isabel and María Alejandra Davidziuk compare the findings of four national reports from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia undertaken as part of the APC WNSP project “Strengthening women’s strategic use of ICTs to combat violence against women and girls”. In their analysis they look at some barriers (both institutional and cultural) that need to be overcome in order for ICTs to be…