a group of women sharing knowledge on how to connect a router

Feminist talk

Sharing human and internet bandwidth of a community network in the middle of a pandemic

Posted Mon 13 Dec 2021 - 07:36 | 2,745 views

In Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil, a group of ecological, quilombola farmer women, in partnership with two feminist organisations: APC and Sempreviva Organização Feminista (SOF), managed to deploy and operate their Wi-Fi mesh network. Bruna Zanolli highlights the importance of building trust, empathy and feminist guidelines in the community so that their internet infrastructure could…

Feminist talk

The Tower

Posted Sun 12 Dec 2021 - 12:47 | 2,371 views

Marcela Guerra shakes us through her tarot card “The Tower”, raising awareness of the urgent need for a fresh start, for human-centred societies and infrastructures, or perish as Mother Nature agonises, and inequalities are exacerbated.

people installing a community antenna in a roof

Feminist talk

The contribution of bell hooks and Paulo Freire to the construction of community networks

Posted Tue 30 Mar 2021 - 09:16 | 4,830 views

In this article, Daiane Araujo discuss the link between popular education and community networks, and argues that class, race and gender should be part of the analysis in the implementation of autonomous infrastructure and technical training dedicated to digitally excluded communities.

Feminist talk

Women in community networks in Latin America: the story of Belem

Posted Wed 16 Dec 2020 - 08:39 | 9,213 views

GenderIT and Locnet invited women who work in community networks to share their experiences in the times of COVID-19 and their reflections on what these times have revealed around centring meaningful communication in their physical and digital communities. This is the second part of the stories that got to be told about the acts of care in communication technologies under the pandemic.

Barbara Paes with young women in a workshop

Feminist talk

Bárbara Paes on Black feminist cyberactivists in Brazil and the neoliberalism of "women in tech"

Posted Tue 10 Nov 2020 - 11:36 | 4,553 views

Ani Hao interviews Bárbara Paes, a young Brazilian feminist, co-founder of Minas Programam. In this conversation they delve into Black feminist activism in Brazil, feminism funding and the co-optation of gender issues in technology spaces.

Internet has a big footprint

Feminist talk

Webcomic: The Internet's Footprint

Posted Fri 24 Jul 2020 - 14:03 | 8,449 views

We often hear that the internet is a cloud. But the internet has a big footprint. With this first release we start a reflective webcomic series around internet's infrastructure from a feminist technopolitical perspective.

Abstract srawing with people and buildings

In depth

Machín 2 Machín (II): A critical feminist and psychosocial perspective on new digital networks

Posted Mon 10 Aug 2020 - 17:33 | 10,884 views

In the second part of their article, Loreto Bravo and Peter Bloom alert us to the dangers of a romanticization of technologies and develop a psychosocial and feminist approach as a tool to face the new wave of hyperconnectivity that is announced with 5G.

Mujer con flores en sus ojos y colibríes alrededor

In depth

Machín 2 Machín (I): A critical feminist and psychosocial perspective on new digital networks

Posted Fri 7 Aug 2020 - 14:48 | 14,899 views

In the first half of this two parts article, Loreto Bravo and Peter Bloom delve deeper into a critique of the new networks that are emerging with the rushed transition to 5G, from a feminist and psychosocial perspective.

Artistic representation: two people with a text bubble in the middle.

In depth

Internet Freedom is Not Enough - Cyberfeminists Are Fighting For a New Reality

Posted Wed 4 Dec 2019 - 08:44 | 14,146 views

Today, feminist activists are claiming that digital rights are human rights, too. This article talks about how cyberfeminists, especially from the global South, are going deeper into making digital rights a reality for women, LBT individuals, non-English speaking people in the global South.


On the blocking of abortion rights websites: Women on Waves & Women on Web

Posted Wed 4 Dec 2019 - 07:49 | 5,161 views

This 2019 report by OONI and Coding Rights, shows evidence of blocking of womenonwaves.org and womeononweb.org -websites on sexual and reproductive rights- in Brasil and several countries around the world.