Feminist talk
The internet of Things: smart devices, quantified self, dolls and vibrators
Feminist talk
10 ways to make Twitter work for feminist activism
Feminist talk
[COLUMN] Open software movements, open content, free culture: Where are the women?
Feminist talk
The nerdiest and most open of them all: Internet Freedom Festival 2017
Feminist talk
[BOOK REVIEW] Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and Queer counterpublics in Latin America
Feminist talk
Chelsea Manning and other political prisoners: Report from Internet Freedom Festival
Feminist talk
Unscripting Harassment (Part 2)
Feminist talk
What is sexual surveillance and why does it matter
We can no longer ignore the pervasive datafication of our lives - the ways in which our habits, illness, abilities, relations are abstracted, and our bodies made into data by an intersecting range of institutions and processes. In this article, the gendered, sexualised and racialised nature of surveillance is unpacked, so we maintain a focus on the power relations involved. Surveillance…
In depth
Feminist autonomous infrastructure in the internet battlefield: From Zombies to Ninjas
In depth
Educating, Hiring, and Retaining Women in Technology: A Gendered Enquiry
Research suggests that women are underrepresented at every level in technology(McKinsey survey, 2016). Why is this the case? And how do we educate, hire, and retain more women in it? In this article, Radhika Radhakrishnan highlights the underlying realities that women face in technology beyond just a numbers game, and offer insight to such questions by interviewing diverse, pioneering women…