Feminist talk

IGF 2012: Day two in room four

Posted Fri 23 Nov 2012 - 05:41 | 8,392 views
What I most value about the IGF is that thanks to its multi-stakeholder principle, it widens my perspective on pressing internet governance issues. However, all three sessions I attended on day two in room number four, while talking about human rights, failed to include women's right perspective. Women internet users are important stakeholder and it is evident that even after six years of…

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Women at the IGF: Now we need to mainstream gender

Posted Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 08:19 | 10,020 views
This year's Internet Governance Forum came to a close in Baku, Azerbaijan on 16 November. GenderIT.org contributor Sonia Randhawa spoke to three women about their experiences at the IGF, and whether any progress is being made in terms of the representation of women, and the prominence of women's rights and gender as cross-cutting issues for internet goverance. Jac sm Kee is from Malaysia and…

Feminist talk

Women's take on internet governance: A selection of tweets from IGF 2012

Posted Tue 20 Nov 2012 - 09:12 | 7,854 views
This is a selection of the tweets circulated during the Internet Governance Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 6-9 2012. They were selected following the criteria of its relevance in reflecting the discussions around women’s role in internet governance processes, as well as women’s and internet rights during the IGF.


Going visible: Women’s rights on the internet

Posted Fri 16 Nov 2012 - 07:13 | 10,672 views
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) create new scenarios, new ways for people to live, and these reflect real-­life problems. Women need to assert their rights here with determination and without delay. Women may not have been an active part of policy-­making conversations when internet governance started, but the rapid pace of change online means they need to participate now to…

Feminist talk

Censorship walks, a feminist view of the Internet Governance Forum

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2012 - 15:05 | 8,488 views
A big hangar, with a constant voice asking people to wear headphones and talk to each other through the microphones, an internet network that does not allow participants to be online simultaneously, with an average of only one person out of three being able to access full online services and the other two struggling with their different devices to reach out, comment and communicate what is…

Feminist talk

Autocracy 2.0 at the Internet Governance Forum

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2012 - 15:00 | 33,553 views
This is my first IGF, I have sneaked into the arena of Internet Governance during the WSIS. At that time I decided to retire and be a distant witness. This year I am here, listening, learning, observing and exercising my right to express my visions, my active feminist citizenship - which was censored today (7th Nov.) in the workshop 89 room 8 by the “aggressively moderate” Robert Guerra.

Feminist talk

‘Feminist Cyborgs: Activism, Fundraising and Security Online’: register now for AFF and APC webinar

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2012 - 12:02 | 4,265 views
This webinar will examine the idea of the feminist cyborg. The feminist cyborg is at home both online and offline, and her activism is reflected in her online life (whether it is through blogs, tweets and general online presence) as well as in what she does offline (working for a feminist organization, working with women’s rights organizations and social justice movements, or in progressive media…

Feminist talk

Human rights must be encoded into the fabric of internet governance dialogues

Posted Wed 14 Nov 2012 - 06:27 | 5,709 views
This is the transcription of Valentina Pellizzer 's speech at the closing ceremony of the 7th Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which took place in Baku, Azerbaijan from 6th to 9th November, 2012.

Feminist talk

IGF 2012 - Access and Diversity Main Session

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 06:41 | 13,559 views
This is the transcript of the Access and Diversity Main Session that took place on November 8 2012 at the Internet Governance Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was the first time in the entire history of the IGF that women and gender issues were addressed in a main session, with the presence of Jac sm Kee from APC Women´s Rights Programme.

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Women human rights defenders and digital security: Reflections with a Latin American accent

Posted Mon 5 Nov 2012 - 11:41 | 9,210 views
A survey of women human rights defenders (WHRDs) conducted as part of APC’s Connect Your Rights! campaign revealed some interesting practices and perceptions in terms of their use of information and communications technologies in their work. Daysi Flores, a GenderIT.org contributor, analyses the preliminary results of the survey, in light of the realities of Latin America.