Feminist talk

Transparency and accountability: Finding points of agreement following the #fbrape campaign

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 09:06 | 14,180 views
Last month a coalition of women's organisations led a campaign to hold Facebook accountable for its content policy. In particular, how it deals with hateful speech and representations of gender-based violence shared by its users. In response, freedom of expression advocates have expressed concern and criticism over the precedent set by demands for Facebook to remove hateful content from its site…

Feminist talk

#fbrape is about gender-based hate speech, not about censorship

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 09:05 | 10,938 views
On May 21 more than a hundred organisations lead by "Women, Action…

Feminist talk

How women around the world are taking part in combating gender-based hate speech on Facebook

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 08:58 | 8,111 views
Sexist, gender-based violent speech is a norm today. Sign in, check your home page and somewhere on that or over the timeline you’ll be linked to a page or a photo which only serves to demean the existence of woman. What’s worse is finding some of your friends making jokes about it. But should that be a norm too? Finding your friends making rape and other gender-based jokes? No, it’s NOT funny!…

Feminist talk

The false paradox: freedom of expression and sexist hate speech

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2013 - 09:12 | 24,514 views
The campaign “Take action to end gender-based violence on Facebook” has re-opened up debate among internet rights advocates about the right to freedom of expression and responsibilities of internet intermediaries in regarding the content that circulates through their services. Margarita Salas, who is currently doing research consultancy of internet intermediaries corporate policies for APC's…

Feminist talk

How funny is this, Facebook?

Posted Tue 28 May 2013 - 09:15 | 8,379 views
“Take action to end gender-based violence on Facebook” is this campaign’s call that asks companies whose publicity appears on explicitly violent Facebook pages and profiles to help pressure the social networking platform to re-examine its response to violence against women and girls.


APC WRP presentation to the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Public Life

Posted Tue 14 May 2013 - 13:52 | 7,352 views
Established by the Human Rights Council at its 15th session in September 2010, the Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Public Life focus is to identify, promote and exchange views, in consultation with States and other actors, on good practices related to the elimination of laws that discriminate against women. In early January this year, Jan Moolman, on behalf of APC Women’s…

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Women in the Information Society: Participating in development and ICT policy

Posted Fri 10 May 2013 - 11:13 | 9,403 views
One of the main complaints by women during the discussions at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) focused on the need for more women to participate in decisions about the development of the Internet, and the discussion and implementation of public policies aimed at building an inclusive information society, without discrimination based on gender or any other grounds.

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Technology and violence against women @ CSW57th: "Both NGOs and states raised this as an issue of concern"

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 14:23 | 17,314 views
The 57th meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women met in New York from 4th to 15th March. This year the major theme was the 'Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women'. Chat Garcia Ramilo and Jan Moolman from the Association for Progressive Communications' Women's Rights Programme were there, and spoke to Sonia Randhawa about what the CSW is, why it is important…

Feminist talk

Just a few words...

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 13:12 | 6,489 views
In the weeks leading up to the Commission on the Status of Women (4-15 March) violence against women I watched and read and listened and wept over the brutal gang rape and murder of "Anene Booysens":http://mg.co.za/article/2013-02-15-00-will-anene-booysens-brutal-rape-a…. As…

Feminist talk

Violence against women online: A selection of tweets from CSW 57

Posted Mon 1 Apr 2013 - 14:03 | 6,489 views
Twitter activity during the 57th session of the Commission on Status of Women between 4-15 March 2013 was quite intense. GenderIT.org took part in the tweeting by addressing the debate around emerging forms of violence against women and information and communication technologies, and advocating for its inclusion in the agreed conclusions of the meeting.