Gender Peripheries of Internet Governance Forum 2010

The fifth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which took place from 14-17 September 2010 in Vilnius, Lithuania is over. Have we got any closer to strengthening the role of the internet in defending and realising women's rights and sexual rights? What experiences and gains have women rights advocates brought back home from this forum? How do they feel about the debates and the outcomes of the IGF? Did they succeed in illustrating that gender and sexual rights perspectives can bring innovative solutions to key internet governance themes? @ Internet Governance Forum 2010, Vilnius - Spread the word!

As you already know, team is taking part in the fifth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) meeting in Lithuania from 14-17 September. The IGF is a key, robust and relatively open multi-stakeholder platform by the United Nations to discuss public policy matters related to internet governance. However, it has been a challenging space for women's rights and sexual rights advocates. What is the role of the internet in defending and realising women's rights and sexual rights? What are our positions as women's rights and sexual rights advocates on how the internet should be governed? @ Internet Governance Forum 2010, Vilnius - Take part!

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a key, robust and relatively open multi-stakeholder platform created by the United Nations to discuss public policy matters related to internet governance. However, it has been a challenging space for women's rights and sexual rights advocates. In the fifth and final year of its mandate, women's rights are still being dwarfed as a critical issue to be debated in this arena, while sexuality issues although present, is not seen as a matter of rights. What is the role of the internet in defending and realising women's rights and sexual rights?