Pulling apart the patriarchy: Edition in commemoration of Heike Jensen

News of Heike Jensen’s death from cancer, on 3 February 2014, reached internet governance academic and civil society networks a year later. As Marianne Franklin, friend and colleague from GigaNet, puts it: “The networks and the hands-on work in which Heike engaged are cross-border, cross-sector and interdisciplinary by nature and predilection. This is why news of her death has been a ripple of both physical and virtual proportions.”

Philippines: Exploring technology-related violence against women and children

We’re back! – with the second in a series of seven mini-editions highlighting APC’s project “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online”. Each edition focuses on one country where we carried out the research, and this time round, we’ll look at the Philippines. Bringing together articles, key findings and an interview with the research team, this edition looks at cases ranging from celebrity sex videos to child pornography, and draws attention to various socio-economic realities in the Philippines.