Fortitude and change in AWID Forum 2016

In this special edition of we share the experiences and reflections on the recent AWID Forum in Brazil (2016), in which a large group of women from APC Women’s Rights Programme and our partners from different countries and regions, participated enthusiastically. With the participation of 1,700 people from 140 countries, this year’s AWID Forum showed that the feminist movement keeps growing stronger worldwide, and is committed to a politics of diversity and inclusion.

Three key issues for a feminist internet: Access, agency and movements

The Feminist Principles of the Internet arose from the first Imagine a Feminist Internet meeting in 2014 in Malaysia. The meeting brought together 52 women’s rights, sexual rights and internet rights activists from six continents to discuss one question: “As feminists, what kind of internet do we want, and what will it take for us to achieve it?” The principles cover the topics of access, agency, expression, economy, movements and public participation.