Kembabazi Gloria

Kembabazi Gloria holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law from Uganda Christian University where she also

Feminist talk

What does internet policy mean for the average Ugandan?

Posted Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 03:57 | 6,882 views
The word “internet” is not well understood in its full and wholesome context by a size-able number of Ugandans and perhaps the majority. Smart phone usage has grown tremendously and with it the gospel of this thing called the internet. Of course with smart phones come the popularisation of social media and the applications that simplify internet use and access. It would seem that internet…

Flavia Fascendini vive en una ciudad en el interior de Argentina y es directora de comunicaciones

Feminist talk

Threats on her phone and footsteps behind her back

Posted Wed 25 Nov 2015 - 18:05 | 5,602 views
Nina finished her work day at the high-fashion clothing store in the biggest shopping mall in Sarajevo. She sighed, remembering everything she had to go through to get out of that violent and abusive relationship that she endured for three years. One thousand and ninety-five days until she found the strength and support to end it. But that was just one step in the continuum of violence that would…

Flavia Fascendini vive en una ciudad en el interior de Argentina y es directora de comunicaciones

Feminist talk

What do women expect for this 10th IGF?

Posted Fri 6 Nov 2015 - 19:32 | 6,717 views asked many of the participants in the Gender and Internet Governance eXchanges (gigX) from three different regions what they expected for this year's 10th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Brazil, in terms of women's and sexual rights, gender, and internet governance.

Comunicadora social y activista por los derechos de las mujeres.

Feminist talk

Women actively join internet governance discussions

Posted Tue 3 Nov 2015 - 18:22 | 5,933 views
Little by little, the number of women participating in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has increased significantly, and their presence in panels and workshops and as participants has brought new insights into the discussion of the different matters that are key in IGF debates.

Caroline is the West and Central Africa Programs Coordinator for the Coalition of African Lesbian

Feminist talk

Claiming governance spaces: from Gender and Internet Governance Exchange to Africa Internet Governance Forum

Posted Mon 26 Oct 2015 - 08:20 | 5,673 views
The Association for Progressive Communications' Caroline Tagny interviewed Chenai Chair, a participant of the Africa Gender and Internet Governance Exchange, on her experience.

Tarryn is a South African BA graduate with majors in Psychology and Sociology.

DJS choice

Mystery eye emoji, manifestos and tech genes

Posted Mon 26 Oct 2015 - 03:17 | 3,986 views
DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…
Kembabazi Gloria

Kembabazi Gloria holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law from Uganda Christian University where she also

Feminist talk

Violence against women online

Posted Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 05:12 | 4,272 views
On the 28 and 29 September 2015, CIPESA held its eighth Forum on Internet Freedom in East Africa. One of the panel discussions, 'Violence Against Women Online' got me thinking on how 'violence against women online' can be handled to promote a more gender inclusive and perhaps a more gender sensitive internet - one where women can freely share and participate in the virtual space. Most…

Caroline is the West and Central Africa Programs Coordinator for the Coalition of African Lesbian

Feminist talk

Internet rights are human rights: Reflections from workshops in the DRC and Kenya on violence against women

Posted Tue 13 Oct 2015 - 06:30 | 6,620 views
I've had the privilege, this past year, to travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Kenya to facilitate workshops based on our Internet Rights are Human Rights: Violence Against Women (VAW) online curriculum.
Leila Nachawati Rego

Spanish-Syrian writer and rights advocate. Professor at Carlos III University.

Feminist talk

Meha Jouini: The internet has allowed me to publicly express my identity as an Amazigh woman activist

Posted Thu 1 Oct 2015 - 09:32 | 5,466 views
Maha Jouini is an Addis Ababa-based Tunisian blogger, and women’s rights and indigenous rights activist, with a special focus on the Amazigh community. APC’s Leila Nachawati met Meha in Addis Ababa during the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) in September and here is what they talked about.
Yvonne Oluoch

Yvonne is a developer and technology trainer at YaleCept Consultants for the past three years and

Feminist talk

Internet governance: Who sets the rules?

Posted Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 04:35 | 5,583 views
When it comes to decision making, policies and advocacy, in most cases women are usually left behind especially in relation to ICTs. I must say that I am pleased with the representation of women at the African Internet Governance Forum and before I continue I must commend the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) for making this…