Feminist talk

Violence Against Sex Workers Surges in South Africa As They Move To The Internet For Work

Posted Mon 6 Mar 2023 - 06:53 | 1,022 views

Sex workers in South Africa moved to the internet to seek clients as the offline opportunities dwindled due to the pandemic-induced lockdown. But they face previously unknown challenges with the prevalent online gender based violence in the country; Colleta Dewa discusses.

Image description: Woman touching screen

Feminist talk

How feminist research shapes AI, privacy, and data protection discourse

Posted Fri 11 Dec 2020 - 04:46 | 4,580 views

In this second post in a series on artificial intelligence, research in the African context, Chenai shares why she believes that a feminist approach to research around AI is the only way.

Hands of different colors laced together

Feminist talk

The digital rights movement needs to be deliberately inclusive

Posted Sun 23 Aug 2020 - 22:00 | 4,537 views

The digital rights movement needs to become deliberately and intentionally inclusive. We need to actively engage with how technologies and the internet are racist, as well as how they perpetuate other oppressions through silence.  

Illustration with colored faces of women from different origins

Feminist talk

Who is your global South feminism serving?

Posted Thu 20 Aug 2020 - 08:38 | 9,291 views

In this article, the Zimbabwean feminist researcher and writer Fungai Machirori challenges the idea of "the global South" as a homogenous space.


Gender and community networks: Building a movement around community networks and gender equality

Posted Thu 2 Aug 2018 - 05:57 | 2 views

In this third column on gender and community networks, GenderIT interviews Carlos Rey Moreno on what movement building around community networks is all about. How do we get policy makers, organisers, community based organisations and others invested and interested in community networks? And in this constellation of actors and organisations, how do we start talking about gender equality and…

Feminist talk

[Review] Measuring the digital divide: Why we should be using a women-centered analysis

Posted Wed 4 Jul 2018 - 06:32 | 5,543 views

How do we measure the difference between access to the internet for men and women? It is without a doubt that such gender internet access gap indicators contribute to defining goals for international and country-level policies. But it is important for us to interrogate the role of indicators and measures in access related work and research. Nic Bidwell analyses the use of tools proposed to…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] How young womxn in the Global South are reclaiming social media to foster change in educational spaces

Posted Mon 19 Mar 2018 - 02:58 | 4,709 views
In the final column on reclaiming social media for women's rights, gender justice and parity, Samukelisiwe looks at how girls and young women have fought for their rights in the global South; and how Gen X, Y and Z has redefined the use of the internet and is reshaping politics both online and onground.

Feminist talk

What are we looking for? : Research on Community Networks

Posted Tue 20 Feb 2018 - 03:00 | 6,421 views
Community networks offer an alternative to how connectivity, especially in remote areas, is largely determined by the market or state infrastructure. In this article Tigist Hussen explores the place of gender and feminist analysis in community networks, and specifically in the Zenzeleni network in Mankosi, South Africa. What she finds is surprising, humbling and insightful for researchers and…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] How womxn in the global south are RECLAIMING SOCIAL MEDIA to shine the spotlight on disability

Posted Tue 10 Oct 2017 - 02:22 | 6,621 views

Womxn in global south are making revolutionary uses of social media, and this includes people challenging casual and everyday ableism. In her column Samukelisiwe Mabaso looks at three amazing projects from different countries that are revolutionizing how disability is talked about - how they are changing language, discourse and perceptions

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] How womxn in the Global South are RECLAIMING SOCIAL MEDIA to celebrate being queer

Posted Fri 22 Sep 2017 - 03:36 | 7,788 views
In her third column, Samukelisiwe Mabaso explores how groups and people, artists and performers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual are using the internet and social media to spread messages about love, diversity, and acceptance. This includes projects like Coalition for African Lesbians, Gaysi, Ahwaa and others.