Feminist talk

Beyond Deterrence: Understanding the Chilling Effects of Technology-Facilitated Gender Based Violence

Posted Thu 23 Mar 2023 - 04:09 | 841 views

Technology-facilitated gender based violence has a direct impact on women and gender diverse folks' ability to navigate digital spaces freely. It not only hinders their experience of being connected, but also forces them to self-censor as well as employ patriarchal characteristics of a 'good girl' in attempts to stay safe from violence that comes with speaking up. Amrita Vasudevan discusses.…

Feminist talk

How Platform Design Shapes Working Conditions in India: A Case Study Of Urban Company

Posted Tue 15 Nov 2022 - 04:56 | 1,120 views

Conversations about service delivery apps are usually centred around how customers experience these apps, but rarely do these discussions explore and examine the conditions service providers work in. The study by The Centre for Internet & Society analyses one platform, Urban Company, in India for its treatment of domestic workers who register on the app to provide services on the company's…

Placard reads, "Abortion is Healthcare". Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Feminist talk

Lack Of A Data Protection Law Puts Indian Abortion Seekers At Risk

Posted Mon 10 Oct 2022 - 08:47 | 2,326 views

India recently withdrew its data protection bill, putting the data of over a billion people at risk. The already vulnerable individuals became more susceptible to data misuse, especially those already under threat of being targeted for personal choices or identities. This article explores how lack of data protection puts abortion seekers at risk in a society that rejects abortions.


[Research] Designing Domestic Work Platforms in India

Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 - 08:55 | 912 views

The research shows that the introduction of technology brings with itself the same problems that haunt other sectors of platform-mediated gig work. On-demand platforms seek to exert control over most points of the service delivery process, including job distributions, client selection, worker pay and performance evaluation, all the while relegating workers to an independent contractor status…

Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

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Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

Posted Thu 16 Sep 2021 - 11:36 | 2,176 views

In the second and last part of this in-depth article, the author unpacks the persistence of rape myths in judicial reasoning, even veiled under the promises of neutrality and accuracy of digital evidence.

A woman cries hiding her face. In her back, a wall of screens with messages

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Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 1): Is electronic data determining whether a woman has been raped or not?

Posted Fri 10 Sep 2021 - 15:28 | 3,753 views

This insightful piece highlights how digital evidence is overwhelming the legal and judicial imagination by looking specifically at cases of rape trials in India.

Feminist talk

Transgender Act in India: A law that replicates existing challenges with digitisation?

Posted Thu 15 Jul 2021 - 17:14 | 6,427 views

In India, the digitisation drive of services interlinked with offline violence, marginalisation and stigma make it almost impossible for transgender persons to be considered as people who deserve equal rights. Through the provisions mentioned in the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019, this article gives us a glimpse of human rights violations and denial of a life with dignity…

Illustration: activists raised together, machine showing data, texts and hashtag around

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#MeToo India: The limits of analysis

Posted Tue 6 Jul 2021 - 11:17 | 4,062 views

In this paper, researcher Nayantara Ranganathan analyses tweets with the hashtag #metooindia, and examines the possibilities, limits and contradictions of studying a movement through a dataset of tweets centred around a phrase.


Platforms, Power, and Politics: Perspectives from Domestic and Care Work in India

Posted Thu 1 Jul 2021 - 17:53 | 1,899 views

In this final report, CIS India shares the findings and recommendations of a 2-year research project studying the entry of digital platforms in the domestic and care work in India, as part of the Feminist Internet Research Network.

woman waiting on the phone

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How helpful are helpline numbers?

Posted Fri 26 Feb 2021 - 14:22 | 4,579 views

COVID-19 pandemic has led to a spike in gender-based violence in India. Helpline numbers and digital tools have been used to reach out to survivors, given the absence of physical services. But those women who cannot use phones, email or social media are most likely to be entirely excluded from these systems.

This piece was written as a part of a CIS project.