Dafne Sabanes Plou

85 posts

Comunicadora social y activista por los derechos de las mujeres. Escribe principalmente sobre comunicación, género y tecnologías, analizando la autonomía de las mujeres y las expresiones del feminismo en internet. Disfruta explorando… Read more…

Rafia Shaikh

6 posts

Rafia is a tech journalist currently working as a research and communications associate at Digital Rights Foundation focusing on women's rights, internet governance, and digital security. She spends her weekends translating and… Read more…

Amalia Toledo

2 posts

Amalia Toledo es coordinadora de proyectos y de la línea de trabajo de género en la Fundación Karisma (Colombia). Su carrera profesional la ha dedicado la defensa de los derechos humanos, con un particular énfasis en la protección y… Read more…

Patricia Peña

5 posts

Académica del Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen, Universidad de Chile. Miembro del Directorio de Fundación Girls in Tech Chile. MSc en Information, Communication and Society, The London School of Economics.

Nicole Shephard

5 posts

Nicole Shephard is a feminist researcher and writer interested in the gender and tech nexus, surveillance, intersectionality and digital activism. She holds a PhD in Gender (LSE) and an MSc in International Development (University of… Read more…

Chinmayi SK

1 post

Chinmayi is a hacktivist who runs the bachchao project. As a technologist her passion lies in build programmes and systems for change. Her interest areas are gender, digital rights , humanitarian technologies and open source communities… Read more…

Sonia Randhawa

48 posts

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of GenderIT.org's pool of writer. She is a director of the Centre for Independent Journalism in Malaysia, a board member of feminist communications organisation ISIS-International Manila and a PhD candidate… Read more…

Alan Finlay

2 posts

Alan Finlay is a writer and the editor of Global Information Society Watch. He teaches communications for social change at the Wits University Journalism Programme.


11 posts

Maya Ganesh is Applied Research Director at Tactical Tech in Berlin and leads the organisation's Gender & Technology projects cluster.

Radhika Gajjala

1 post

Radhika Gajjala (PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 1998) is Acting Director of the American Culture Studies Program and Professor of Media and Communication at Bowling Green State University, USA. She was Fulbright Professor in Digital… Read more…

Radhika Radhakrishnan

2 posts

I recently quit a job in IT to pursue gender studies and research. Sex positive, liberal, pro-choice, pro-gay, secular, outspoken feminist who fights like a girl. Non-believer of god and other imaginary friends, believer of this crazy… Read more…

Irene Kagoya

1 post

Irene has been working with leadership programs for women since graduating from university in 2005. She served as the Global Student Leadership Representative in Residence at Manhattanville College in New York City for 2 years.

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Flavia Fascendini

336 posts

Flavia Fascendini vive en una ciudad en el interior de Argentina y es directora de comunicaciones de APC. Escribile a flavia@apc.org

Jeannette Torrez

1 post

Es licenciada en sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires e investigadora de las áreas de Libertad de Expresión y Privacidad de la Asociación por los Derechos Civiles. Docente en la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (… Read more…

Marcya Yalile Hernández P

1 post

Coordinadora de Proyectos de Apropiación TIC en Colnodo - www.colnodo.apc.org
Comunicadora Social - Periodista, especialista en Infancia, Cultura y Desarrollo. Con experiencia académica y laboral en diseño, ejecución, coordinación… Read more…

Florencia Roveri

3 posts

Florencia Roveri es comunicadora social e integra la organización Nodo TAU en Argentina.

Tarryn Booysen

53 posts

Tarryn is a South African BA graduate with majors in Psychology and Sociology. She currently works on the End Violence: Women’s rights and safety online project as the administrative assistant. Tarryn is also a contributor of the weekly… Read more…

Lamia Kosovic

7 posts

Lamia Kosovic is an instructional designer and lecturer in Gender Studies and Communication Arts. She did her PhD studies in Philosophy of Communication Arts at the European Graduate School, and got her masters in Digital Media Studies… Read more…