Theorose Dzineku

2 posts

Theorose is a Ghanaian journalist, Internet governance advocate, and an avid writer. She’s currently pursuing her Masters in journalism at the Ghana Institute of Journalism, Accra, Ghana.

Miriam Hatibi

1 post

Míriam Hatibi (Barcelona, 1993) es consultora de comunicación en la empresa Sibilare y activista antirracista y contra la islamofobia. Se graduó en International Business and Economics en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF) y ha cursado… Read more…

Lilian Chamorro Rojas

3 posts

Lilian es colombiana, ingeniera e investigadora. Hace parte del equipo
de Colnodo y es consultora en proyectos de TIC y desarrollo.

Ida Peñaranda

1 post

Feminista. Investigadora Social. Adicta a la tecnología y bailarina de corazón.

Doreen Raheena Sulleyman

2 posts

Doreen Raheena Sulleyman is a freelance journalist who has an interest in women’s rights and internet freedom and is based in Accra, Ghana.

Jazmin Ruiz Diaz

1 post

Jazmín Ruíz Díaz es periodista y comunicadora. Tiene un M.A en Industrias Culturales y Creativas en King’s College London.

Rohini Lakshan​​é

11 posts

Rohini Lakshané is a long-time Wikimedian with an abiding interest in issues of access to knowledge. She served as the chairperson of the Gender Gap Special Interest Group at Wikimedia Chapter (India) in 2013-14. https://en.wikipedia.… Read more…

Fernanda Briones

1 post

Socióloga, doctoranda en Comunicación y Política (UAM-X), consultora de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil que trabajan por los DDHH en México, anarcofeminista y gustosa de otras luchas libertarias. Metiche profesional, amante de lxs… Read more…


1 post

Ciberseguras es una red feminista sobre seguridad en internet integrada por Clandestina (Brasil) , Ciberfeministas GT (Guatemala), Derechos Digitales (Chile-México), Dominemos la tecnología - APC, Luchadoras (México), Nodo Común (… Read more…

Elena Pavan

1 post

Elena Pavan is Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento. She holds a degree in Communication Sciences (University of Padova, Italy, 2004) and a PhD in Sociology (… Read more…

Open Global Rights

1 post

OpenGlobalRights tiene como objetivo apoyar a diversos actores en el ecosistema de los derechos humanos, incluyendo a ONGs, donantes y académicos, para desarrollar y fortalecer su impacto, legitimidad, estrategias y comunidades por… Read more…

Samita Chatterjee

1 post

Samsam aka Samita Chatterjee is a visual artist currently based out of New Delhi, India. After some years of studying taxation laws, she lost her mind just enough to start painting in the streets of her hometown Kolkata with her first… Read more…


2 posts
Nada worked for several years with various companies in the social media and content sharing industry. Their background is in journalism and media studies, and their interests lie at the intersection of data and social values.   

Mary Rose Ofianga

1 post

Rose is a Digital Literacy Champion and Internet Governance Advocate. She's also one of the Internet for Democracy Leaders. She just founded an organization for women in digital empowering women with digital skills, technology,… Read more…

Cisi Eze

1 post

Cisi is a writer, comic artiste, graphics designer, and broadcaster. She has her articles and comics published on different platforms on the internet. She aims to change the world one word at a time. Cisi resides in Lagos, Nigeria.

Jac sm Kee

125 posts

Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communications, and works on issues of sexuality, women’s rights, violence against women and internet rights and freedoms.

Anushka Zafar

1 post

Anushka Zafar was born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh and studied English, Communication and Health Communication in the United States. Since then she has worked on research, advocacy and implementation of behaviour change programs… Read more…


1 post

Azia Keever is a freelance writer and social activist living in the Bay Area.