Sonia Randhawa
Sonia Randhawa
"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer. She is a director of the Centre for Independent Journalism in Malaysia, a board member of feminist communications organisation ISIS-International Manila and a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne."
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GEM: evaluar el trabajo en desarrollo y su impacto sobre el género
La Metodología de Evaluación de Género o GEM es una poderosa herramienta desarrollada por la Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones para contribuir en la evaluación de resultados de género diferenciados y el impacto del trabajo de desarrollo en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Sonia Randhawa, editora de, entrevistó a la coordinadora de investigación y…
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EroTICs: Sexuality and technology
Sonia Randhawa and Jac sm Kee explore the links between sexuality and the theme of this year’s Commission on the Status of Women meeting, “Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work”.
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Gender Evaluation Methodology: Helping assess the gender impact of development work
“How exactly GEM can influence the discourse at the CSW, I think it is really to challenge the notion of development, or at least how governments understand it. “ The APC’s Angela Kuga Thas speaks with editor about the Gender Evaluation Methodology, what it is and the value it adds to grassroots work on gender and ICTs.
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Poverty and culture: Key barriers to education and training of women and girls in Cambodia
In this article, the director of End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking (ECPAT) Cambodia, Chanveasna Chin, speaks with English editor Sonia Randhawa about the challenges facing women and girls in accessing education and training, particularly in technology.
Feminist talk
When is a joke not a joke?
When does making a joke in bad humour become a criminal act? In the UK, issues of privacy, freedom of expression and violence are being raised as Tweets are being made the basis for criminal action. Sonia Randhawa is intrigued, and concerned.
Feminist talk
Day 7 | 1 Dec - World AIDS Day | Sex & the internet - Defend our right to information!
Sonia Randhawa takes a look at how search engines respond to clitoral pleasure, for the seventh daily action for Take Back the Tech!
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Sexual rights, openness and regulatory systems
The summary of the 'Sexual rights, openness and regulatory systems' workshop co-organized by APC WNSP, Centre for Internet and Society and Alternative Law Forum at the Internet Governance Forum(IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 14 2010. T.Q. from the Lebanon EroTICs team speaks about the history of the local queer movement which correlates with the development of the internet in Lebanon.…
Feminist talk
Gender in the online news: The 2010 GMMP
Since the 1995 conference in Beijing, the Global Media Monitoring Project has provided a snapshot of gender imbalances in the world's media, once every five years. This year, they expanded the coverage from the 'traditional' media to take a look at the internet. Unfortunately, their findings were not encouraging.
Pakistan: Jehan Ara talks on censorship, and intrusion into women's space (audio-short version) editor Sonia Randhawa interviews the president of the Pakistan Association of Software Houses for IT & ITES (P@SHA), Jehan Ara, about privacyi, ICTs and violence against women, touching on censorship, and intrusion into women's space by both the Statei and non-state actors - such as husbands, boyfriends, fathers and family.
Pakistan: Jehan Ara talks on censorship, and intrusion into women's space (audio, 23 mins) editor Sonia Randhawa interviews the president of the Pakistan Association of Software Houses for IT & ITES (P@SHA), Jehan Ara, about privacy, ICTs and violence against women, touching on censorship, and intrusion into women's space by both the State and non-state actors - such as husbands, boyfriends, fathers and family.