Ni Loh Gusti Madewanti
Ni Loh Gusti Madewanti
Ni Loh Gusti Madewanti, a multicultural women from Bali, Manado and Java, was born in Magelang, Central Java. She completed her masters at the University of Indonesia, majoring in Anthropology. Currently she is involved in EROTICS Indonesia, exploratory research related to virtual space and sexuality.
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Indonesia: ¡Pónganle sexo a internet!
Este artículo de Kamilia Manaf y Ni Loh Gusti Madewanti describe cómo el discurso sobre la sexualidad en Indonesia se va haciendo más político y parte del ámbito público debido al impacto de las reformas que comenzaron en 1998. Sin embargo, mientras internet proporcionó un espacio para el avance de los derechos sexuales en Indonesia, la discriminación y la violencia contra los grupos LGBT y las…
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Indonesia: Put sex on the internet!
This article by Kamilia Manaf and Ni Loh Gusti Madewanti describes how the discourse on sexuality in Indonesia is becoming more political and part of the public sphere due to the impact of the reformations begun in 1998. However, while the internet has provided a space for the advancement of sexual rights in Indonesia, discrimination and violence against LGBT groups and women in Indonesia that…