Marcela Guerra
Marcela Guerra is a mother and craftswoman with a focus on technological appropriation and object-making. Realizing the necessity of alternative forms to access and produce information in the rural community where she lives, she let set the manual object creation aside for a while to better understand the virtual universe. Marcela is part of COOLAB and Portal sem Porteiras.
Artesana y madre, interesada en la apropiación de la tecnología y la necesidad de producir información y diseminarla en las comunidades rurales. Colabora con COOLAB y Portal sem Porteiras.
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Feminist talk
Mujeres en las redes comunitarias de América Latina: la historia de Belem
GenderIT y Locnet invitaron a mujeres que trabajan en redes de internet comunitaria a compartir sus experiencias y reflexiones sobre la importancia de la comunicación significativa en sus comunidades físicas y digitales en tiempos de COVID-19. En este cómic de Marcela Guerra, conocemos la historia de Belem, basada en entrevistas a mujeres de Colombia, México, Argentina y Brasil.
Feminist talk
Women in community networks in Latin America: the story of Belem
GenderIT and Locnet invited women who work in community networks to share their experiences in the times of COVID-19 and their reflections on what these times have revealed around centring meaningful communication in their physical and digital communities. This is the second part of the stories that got to be told about the acts of care in communication technologies under the pandemic.
In depth
[Edición especial] Nodos y radios en las infraestructuras comunitarias
Una red comunitaria en Brasil, con 12 nodos y radios, da sustento a una infraestructura que permite poner en circulación información propia y sustentar una interesante red local campesina.
Feminist talk
News about our community network – Portal sem Porteiras
In this layered podcast, the members of Portal sem Porteiras, Marcela and Luisa explore their excitement over the possibilities of their community network and how they are re-finding meaning and solace in connections.