Erika Smith works for the APC Women's Rights Programme in the coordination team of the global Take Back the Tech! campaign every November 25-December 10. She is based in Mexico.
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Feminist talk
Women's advocacy campaigns less effective when feminist?
Images of amazing infographics and heart-wrenching campaigns circled us in the recent "Using information design in advocacy for women's rights" workshop at AWID Forum 2012. Maya and Faith from Tactical Tech led us in a provocative session, where small groups focussed on just one of six questions about each "ad" or campaign image as they toured the room. Questions to tackle included: who did the…
Feminist talk
You walk away hopeful
A graceful tree glimmering with scarves and blue beads to ward off the evil eye greeted us every day during the 12th AWID Forum: Nazar Degemesin - “May the evil eye not touch her”. Every morning participants could share their message and hang the bead, scarf and satchel (and coin if they had one) for another participant to find at the end of the day.
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Take Back the Tech! But know the risks first
Like any tool, ICTs can be tremendously useful, but dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. This is doubly true for activists and women's rights defenders. Jennifer Radloff and Erika Smith speak to participants from one of our secure online communications for women human rights defenders workshops who share their own experiences with ICTs and what they've learned from the training.
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Take Back the Tech! But know the risks first
Like any tool, ICTs can be tremendously useful, but dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. This is doubly true for activists and women's rights defenders. Jennifer Radloff and Erika Smith speak to participants from one of our secure online communications for women human rights defenders workshops who share their own experiences with ICTs and what they've learned from the training.
Feminist talk
Mexico: ACTA - anyone making a fuss in your country?
Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Switzerland and the United States of America are presently negotiating a trade agreement regarding counterfeiting and the enforcement of intellectual property rights, known as the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). Erika Smith, communications coordinator of APC WNSP, took part in the…
Feminist talk
México: ¿Alguien se escandaliza por el ACTA en tu país?
¿Hay alguna conmoción acerca de ACTA en tu país? Por lo menos gracias al activismo cibernético sabemos que ACTA existe y sabemos algo de lo que se trata – ¡un viva para wikileaks! ( Asistí en mayo a una reunión para debatir sobre el futuro de internet en México y el tratado contra la pirateria fue uno de los temas principales (ACTA,…
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Romper estereotipos sobre las mujeres, las niñas y la tecnología en la República Checa
El control de la tecnología para la incidencia por los derechos de las mujeres tuvo una vuelta de tuerca diferente en la República Checa, donde en 2007 el PARM de APC Europa introdujo el proyecto “Mujeres en las TI” para desafiar los estereotipos en torno de las mujeres y las TIC, y atraer más mujeres al campo de las tecnologías de la información.
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Of empty purses and tattered pockets: Stitching funding back into gender and ICT
The panel on women's communication rights "Why the purse feels empty: Financing for women's equitable access to information and communication technologies" during the recent 52nd CSW brought together donor, development and civil society perspectives on the issue. Erika Smith presents an overview of the discussion around the challenges, importance and opportunities of financing ICT for women's…
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GenderIT en español: A brand new portal catalyses women’s voices in political sphere
Exactly one year after the successful introduction of - the gender and information and communication technology (ICT) Policy Monitor in English - the APC WNSP now presents GenderIT en español, the Spanish counterpart of the monitor with original resources and coverage in Spanish, as well as in Portuguese.
Feminist talk
Algunas reflexiones sobre… Violencia contra las mujeres y TIC
Una de las dificultades que enfrentan los y las activistas por los derechos de las mujeres en dicho espacio es la renuencia de algunos/as participantes a considerar que internet sea una cuestión política, incapaces de ver que este rechazo es en sí mismo una acción política. La falta de recursos, información y análisis adecuados sobre las políticas de comunicación y tecnologías que impidan,…