Bonface Witaba
Bonface Witaba is an ICANN Fellow, Writer, Trainer, Researcher, Consultant in Internet Governance and Policy matters.
Disclaimer: Views expressed here are solely those gathered by the author and should not necessarily be construed to be those of any of organs or agencies nor of any other organisation(s) mentioned or discussed.
Feminist talk
Artificial intelligence for mental health
This article explores mental health facilities in Kenya and if artificial intelligence can provide solutions for the dire need for infrastructure. Even if the use of artificial intelligence poses a solution to this, there are risks for data and privacy, algorithmic bias and large scale misdiagnosis. AI can only work when alongside human and humane treatment.
Feminist talk
Social Media: The New Frontier for ICT – facilitated Violence against Women
Non consensual circulation or sharing of intimate intimages or non consensual pornography is becoming increasingly prevalent. Here Bonface Witaba shares few studies on this viral social phenomenon, what steps have been taken and are likely to be taken in the context of Kenya, on a global scale and by social media companies to address the problem.