
Inclusion, diversity and gender equality: Gender Dimensions of the Free/Libre Open Source Software Development

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 5,165 views
This essay describes and analyses challenges (societal

and organisational) and advantages (e.g. new models for

mobile and collaborative work online), particularly

regarding gender issues, encountered in the recent FLOSS

development. The paper concludes with suggestions on

how to create rules and resources and the creation of a


Cultivating Violence Through Technology? Exploring the Connections between Internet Communication Technologies (ICT) and Violence Against Women (VAW)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 10,208 views

This paper explores the connection between new information communication technologies (ICTs) and violence against women (VAW). From the perspective of representation and rapid dissemination of information and communication enabled through ICTs, the paper looks at domestic violence in the homes, sexual violence and women in conflict affected areas. It presents case studies, strategies and…


The Infrastructure of Democracy: Strengthening the Open Internet for a Safer World

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,167 views
This document was drafted by participants in the Madrid Conference on Terrorism, Democracy and Security, held in March, 2005.


Resolution submitted by women’s media and information and communication organizations attending the 49th session of the UN CSW (Draft)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,986 views
Resolution submitted by women’s media and information and communication organizations attending the 49th session of the UN CSW and the 10-year review and appraisal of the Beijing Platform for Action


Beijing Betrayed: Women Worldwide Report that Governments Have Failed (Executive Summary)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,941 views
This is a summary of the Beijing Betrayed report, which assesses governments’ progress in implementing the commitments made at the Beijing Conference.


Women Empowerment Through Information Technology

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 2,801 views
This book attempts to demonstrate that ICT technologies are powerful tools for women to use to overcome discrimination, to achieve full equality and well-being, and to participate in decisions that impact the quality of their lives and the future of their communities. It is written for policy makers and development leaders to use as a reference tool to help to help mainstream gender issues in…


Internet Filter Effectiveness: Testing Over and Underinclusive Blocking Decisions of Four Popular Filters

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 2,939 views
The paper assesses the effectiveness of popular filtering programs: CYBERsitter, CyberPatrol, NetNanny, and SurfWatch. The findings of the study suggest that current support for filtering software should be reconsidered.


Gender and Information Communication Technology: Towards an Analytical Framework

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,753 views
This paper presents a range of perspectives on gender and information and communication technology (ICT) drawn from a review of the literature


The Internet as an Organizing Tool

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,561 views
The module explores the power of the Internet as an organizing tool to combat violence against women.


The International Sex Trade and the Internet: Partners in Crime

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,568 views
The module explores the symbiotic relationship between the Internet and the international sex industry, the laws and regulations relating to it, and the ways how groups and communities have been using technology to combat trafficking and explore options for and objections to regulating the Web's content.