Feminist talk

Freedom of expression: Where do we set the lines

Posted Sun 6 Oct 2013 - 22:03 | 6,235 views
The second African Internet Governance Forum started in Nairobi, Kenya just a day after a terrorist attack was launched on this African country. The media reported 24 hours a day from the site of the attack; Twitter hashtags were created to make sure messages related to the crisis were passed on to the masses; and Facebook ready-to-use pictures of support to Kenya were circulated. It was actually…

Feminist talk

Women’s rights and threats to online freedom: reflections from the Freedom Online Conference 17 to 18 June 2013

Posted Mon 8 Jul 2013 - 08:37 | 5,771 views
From 17 to 18 June 2013 I took part in the conference on online freedom known as Freedom Online. This conference, carrying the same name of the coalition behind it, highlighted the continent in which it was hosted. In the midst of the international storm about surveillance and censorship, our specific focus was online freedom in Africa and the Arab world as Tunisia, like all of the Maghreb, has…

Feminist talk

Transparency and accountability: Finding points of agreement following the #fbrape campaign

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 09:06 | 14,180 views
Last month a coalition of women's organisations led a campaign to hold Facebook accountable for its content policy. In particular, how it deals with hateful speech and representations of gender-based violence shared by its users. In response, freedom of expression advocates have expressed concern and criticism over the precedent set by demands for Facebook to remove hateful content from its site…

Feminist talk

#fbrape is about gender-based hate speech, not about censorship

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 09:05 | 10,938 views
On May 21 more than a hundred organisations lead by "Women, Action…

Feminist talk

The false paradox: freedom of expression and sexist hate speech

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2013 - 09:12 | 24,514 views
The campaign “Take action to end gender-based violence on Facebook” has re-opened up debate among internet rights advocates about the right to freedom of expression and responsibilities of internet intermediaries in regarding the content that circulates through their services. Margarita Salas, who is currently doing research consultancy of internet intermediaries corporate policies for APC's…

Feminist talk

She's begging to be raped – Twitterverse for feminists in Pakistan!

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2012 - 11:20 | 8,194 views
‘She's begging to be raped.’ That's the response that many feminists in Pakistan get online from Pakistani men seeking to shut them up. This is a response from Pakistani men to women merely tweeting about issues related to sexualised violence.

Feminist talk

Stories that need to be heard

Posted Fri 7 Dec 2012 - 12:01 | 6,910 views
Tonight, as I was thinking through this blog, my three-year-old offered to help. “It's not easy,” I warned her. “You see, there was a man who hurt a woman. He hurt her lots, and told her that if she didn't keep quiet, that he'd hurt her again. But she didn't keep quiet, and she told people her story.”

Feminist talk

“A Facebook status can get you arrested faster than killing someone now”

Posted Fri 23 Nov 2012 - 11:36 | 11,384 views
In India, the largest democracy on Earth, 21-year old girl Shaheen Dhada was arrested for posting a status update on Facebook questioning the complete shutdown of cities for Bal Thackeray’s (rightwing leader notorious for inciting religious hatred and violence) funeral on Sunday, 18th November. Her friend Renu Srinivas was also arrested for “liking” the update which reportedly read: "People like…

Feminist talk

IGF 2012: Day two in room four

Posted Fri 23 Nov 2012 - 05:41 | 8,392 views
What I most value about the IGF is that thanks to its multi-stakeholder principle, it widens my perspective on pressing internet governance issues. However, all three sessions I attended on day two in room number four, while talking about human rights, failed to include women's right perspective. Women internet users are important stakeholder and it is evident that even after six years of…

Feminist talk

Women's take on internet governance: A selection of tweets from IGF 2012

Posted Tue 20 Nov 2012 - 09:12 | 7,854 views
This is a selection of the tweets circulated during the Internet Governance Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 6-9 2012. They were selected following the criteria of its relevance in reflecting the discussions around women’s role in internet governance processes, as well as women’s and internet rights during the IGF.