

World Press Freedom Day - Take Back the Tech! to defend your right to communicate

Posted Mon 2 May 2011 - 16:27 | 4,538 views
Women’s voices, representation in media spaces and opportunity to make a living creating media is continually marginalised. Women and girls are facing particular barriers to using ICT for communication. This ranges from disparity in access to technology and decision-making positions, to technology-related violence against women such as harassment, online monitoring and identity theft that…


Transforming landscape of women's communication rights (video, 18mins)

Posted Mon 7 Mar 2011 - 10:29 | 6,555 views
Jac sm Kee talks about the Take Back The Tech! campaign, as well as introduces the Erotics - Exploratory Research on Sexuality and the Internet - project. Jac presents examples from Brazil, Lebanon, India and South Africa illustrating how the queer movement is using the internet for mobilising and for the exercise of sexual rights. She also explains how the Take Back The Tech! campaign connects…


EROTICS: Exploratory research on sexuality and the internet - summary report

Posted Wed 16 Feb 2011 - 08:33 | 14,952 views
What is the value of the internet in the exercise of sexual rights? From 2008 to 2010, the EROTICS research sought to answer this question, aiming to bridge the gap between policy and legislative measures that regulate content and practice on the internet, and the actual lived practices, experiences and concerns of internet users in the exercise of their sexual rights. The summary report provides…


Because I am a girl: Digital and urban frontiers 2010

Posted Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 18:00 | 5,387 views
The report focuses on the lives of adolescents in two of the current scenarios of faster growth: the urban environment and the digital world. Both have new opportunities for girls and young women but also risks that have hardly been investigated and regulated. Prejudice and poverty exclude millions of girls from taking advantages of the transformative possibilities that cities and information and…

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EroTICs: Sexuality and technology

Posted Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 08:21 | 8,686 views
Sonia Randhawa and Jac sm Kee explore the links between sexuality and the theme of this year’s Commission on the Status of Women meeting, “Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work”.


Regimes cannot overcome the power of people communicating in solidarity

Posted Mon 31 Jan 2011 - 06:45 | 3,936 views
The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) joins the global solidarity and social justice movement in affirming our support to and solidarity with the Egyptian people as they take to the streets in the struggle for democratic reform and human rights.


Transcript of the 'Sexual rights, openness and regulatory systems' workshop @ IGF, Lithuania, 2010

Posted Tue 14 Sep 2010 - 09:16 | 8,674 views
The transcript of the 'Sexual rights, openness and regulatory systems' workshop co-organized by APC WNSP, Centre for Internet and Society and Alternative Law Forum at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 14 2010. The workshop presented opinions from various stakeholders on the competing rights and interests on the topic of sexual rights and openness. It…

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Internet Governance Issues on Sexuality and Women's Rights

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2010 - 19:11 | 18,858 views
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has been a challenging space for both women's rights advocates and for broader constituencies engaged in advocacy for gender equality and sexuality related rights. In the fifth and final year of its mandate, women's rights are still being dwarfed as a critical issue to be debated in this arena, while sexuality issues, although present, are not seen as a matter…

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Internet regulation and the Brazilian EroTICs context

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:21 | 9,229 views
Authors Sonia Corrêa, Marina Maria and Jandira Queiroz document how gender and sexuality have been at the heart of internet regulation debates in Brazil. However, this centrality does not necessarily translate to the discourses, analysis and the political claims of social actors involved in sexual politics, on the one hand, and digital politics, on the other. In the authors' view, there is no…

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How to look at censorship with a gender lens

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:21 | 7,804 views
Heike Jensen and Sonia Randhawa, APC WRP members participating in a gender team of the OpenNet Initiative in Asia (ONI-Asia), talk about how censorship and gender interrelate. Since 2006, APC WRP has taken a closer look at internet censorship and surveillance practices from a gender perspective in order to develop a gender research framework for examining freedom of expression, security and…